Say no to stalybridge mosque


/ #300 Re:

2013-10-25 15:03

#298: - May i ask, i know its Personal, But you say what propblem you occured... what problem was this? I'm trying to understand your logic, and knowing this may help me realise, until then i am just going to think your the one that is blinded... The UK news is manufactured and edited by government... Government itself is Corrupt. Corruption is Caused by not allowing people to have the freedom within a country in which they live.
I agree, the immigrants that come in, should be limited, like it is, in Australia, People that come in, should have some sort of skill that can be applied to the working enivoronment in the country. Then when the British people sit in their chairs at home watching jeremy kyle, wondering why they have no jobs, they can only blame themselves. The trouble caused ANYWHERE in the UK is MAINLY due to the lack of people in work. So any trouble caused is down to that, not muslims, or non-muslims, or mosques or religion at all for that matter.