save withernsea 2nd fire appliance

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2016-01-20 13:18

I am concerned one appliance is not adequate to cover this area, and given that some fires require both appliances to attend that leaves the attending crew without immediate support. The retained fire men/women do an excellent job and their health and safety should be a priority



2016-01-20 13:30

Concern over public safety



2016-01-20 13:39

Being the Mayor of the town and of local interest



2016-01-20 14:25

The Station at Withernsea is regarded by the Fire Service as very efficient. Only small savings would be made here. Larger saves can be made elsewhere.



2016-01-20 18:40

Its a danger to the public to cut the firefighting service.



2016-01-20 20:05

We are a rural community known as Holderness and the fire appliances in Holderness join up in times of crisis, straw fires, barn fires, road accidents etc and to lose one of our engines would have a serious negative effect on our community.



2016-01-20 20:12

Because it well needed to withernsea and other villages



2016-01-20 20:36

This is vital to our town and surrounding villages!!
We simply can't afford to lose this vital source of protection!



2016-01-20 21:00

I think it's important to have 2 appliances for the safety of the people and property of Withernsea and the surrounding areas.



2016-01-20 21:41

Having the 2nd fire appliance removed from a busy seaside town and leaving only 1, will have a detrimental effect on the residents of not only Withernsea but surrounding villages. The firefighters do an excellent job, but to enable them to carry out their job effectively they need the 2nd fire appliance as quite often 1 appliance is not enough, for example farm/straw bale fires.



2016-01-20 23:08

Why would anyone not sign this. I know many of the fire crew and they save lives, work hard and are a god send to the community..



2016-01-21 02:34

Removing a fire engine from such a remote area is disgusting! Shall we just remove fire engines in London, Birmingham and other large cities and see how they cope? Saving money should NOT be at the cost

of people's lives or jobs.



2016-01-21 14:36

As first response With two gas terminals less than ten miles away, Withernsea needs two appliances, let alone because the town's location in a remote rural area. How long would it take for a second appliance from Hormsea or Hedon? Wouldn't like to think of the lives put at risk if only one appliance.

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2016-01-21 14:46

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2016-01-21 14:50



2016-01-21 14:51

it seems that cost has been put in front of safety can you imagine only one Fire appliance attending a fire at a petrol station or farm



2016-01-21 15:42

I signed it because Withernsea is my hometown & it is important that EVERY town deserves the right to defend itself against fires



2016-01-21 17:50

I had to call out our local fire service three or four years ago to a suspected house fire, one appliance came initially then the call went out for a second appliannce, it arrived within ten minutes. Save lives not money, one life lost due to cuts is one life too many



2016-01-21 17:57

Because I'm a resident of Withernsea and its a fatal mistake losing one of its fire engines. Be sensible about these things.
Watch My Words !

#45 Save Withernsea Fire Appliance

2016-01-21 22:21

Why does the town have to wait while a life is lost . For more fires to start . To be called out to more incidents ! Just because the town and surrounding areas are careful at the minute and don't use the fire service, doesn't mean we Have to lose an appliance. 

How come the fire service approved the new extension at the station and then recommended the pumps be reduced ? 

Withernsea is also within miles of a Major Gas installation who would no doubt be 1st on the scene if anything occurred , the installation is also patrolled 24/7 by armed MOD gaurds. Some thing which the government recommended to protect, I'm sure the government wouldnt want to see the loss of a fire appliance protecting this installation ! 

We have paid for 2 appliances via council tax for years . Have we complained ? No ! Because it is a life saving service . 

Watch my words . Cut the appliance to 1 and you will regret it in time. Surely prevention is cheaper then the cure ? 




2016-01-22 08:04

Needs signing please sign



2016-01-22 08:19

Withernsea fire station serves a geographically remote area which is prone to flooding. Residents need to know that help is at hand in the event of any emergency - not just fire. One appliance is simply not enough and is totally unacceptable.



2016-01-22 08:19

It is beneficial to withernsea and the surrounded villages to have two engines here , it could be a matter of life and death it one should be taken away , they do a fantastic job and we need them both



2016-01-23 18:08

It's ridiculous to think that taking the appliance from us will save the amount of money HFRS are predicting. It will actually cost more if you have to call out other stations to support us. Come on HFRS, a worse service for more money - give your heads a shake!



2016-01-24 14:45

All emergency services are much needed regardless of location and this farce of a goverment be hellbent on cutting everything to barebones regardless of risk to lifes of those affected