Bareknuckle Fighting

I would like ALL Bareknuckle Fighters to sign this petition so we can get something done about this Conservative MP for Bosworth Mr David Tredinnick that stopped the events that were supposed to take place Saturday. BKB is a sport and ALL that partake are from all walks of life.

One misconception is that when the Marquess of Queensberry rules came into being around the turn of the 19th and 20th century, or mainstream boxing as we now know it, that gloves were used, but this is not the case.

Also in bareknuckle the fighter receives a 20-second count giving more time to recover and can at any point drop to one knee for respite.

“This sport is raw, it’s two men testing themselves to the limit but going into the ring as friends and coming out of it as friends,”

“We won’t accept any fights where there is any form of betting involved. It’s now a lot safer, we have doctors, paramedics, first aiders on stand-by and the injuries received tend to be more superficial.

“Keanu and Ray have become fans, and they love the sport, it’s the oldest form of fighting but it’s a tough sport and not one to walk into lightly.

“Some fighters are PE teachers, solicitors, accountants, plumbers, all intelligent family men. They are not professional fighters, all go to work and train in their spare time.”