Flooding of Maidenbower/Furnace Green bridleway

Contact the author of the petition

Mission Accomplished

2014-03-02 14:48:53

Hi everyone!

I would like to formally thank each and every one of you for your support. We have accomplished what we set out to do. I hope Network Rail has placed a permanent solution so that we are not facing this tunnel flooding again. I would like to additionally thank Mr. Stack, CBC, WSCC, NR, Chris Oxlade, Henry Smith and Duncan Crow for their support and endeavours through-out the process!


Hiba Khan

ParentMail annoucnement of work to begin on flood

2014-02-06 15:33:48

I am quite upset that Mr. Stack has failed to thank Hiba and the birth of this petition as well as the amazing signatories, for the reason of the work beginning.  Instead he gave a very political thank you to the organisations that failed in eradicating the issue in the first place. These organisations and Henry Smith have been on this case for over seven years, but the scale tipped in our favour from the weight of this petition !! Therefore, ladies and gentlemen, I personally thank all of you for all your support. Each of your signtures are worth one in a million xxxx with you we wouldn't be here today :)

I tried to attach the plans for work with this but cannot, so if anyone is not on ParentMail and would like the plans please let me know and I will email to you :)

Tabiba x

Hiba Khan

Who is responsible?

2014-02-04 12:18:01

Dear supporters,

Our petition promted an emergency meeting between CBC, WSCC and NR, which took place on Monday 3rd February. It has been decided that NR are responsible for the flooding under the bridleway. NR have taken the decision to pump out the water gathered under the bridleway as a prompt solution. I am writing to all of you today to ask if you are okay with me to suggest to NR that they extend their current building work across to rebuild (the part under the bridge they have already done) as a permanent solution to fix the old bridleway. This is because I was there this morning (Tabiba; Hiba's mum) with other parents and we noticed the leaking from the top of the bridleway which shows it's weak and aged structure could become a fatal for the future. The continuation of this work would not only give a clean continuous outlook to the bridleway it will secure the structure for safety of the residents and other users x


Hiba Khan

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