Walkerville Graduation 2020 Reschedule

Graduation. From grades Jk-12 we spend 14 years in school. We study hard, stay up late, and deal with the stresses that comes with school. What's our reward ? A graduation. A place that celebrates the years of academic achievements and our hard work. A day that all students look forward too. Unfortunately, due to COVID-19 graduation has been cancelled. It was already devastating for students to not be able to finish their senior year, now our grad has been taken away. Prom is in the works of being rescheduled, but not graduation. This has been extremely saddening for the Walkerville students. We are confused as to why there's not going to be a rescheduled date. It makes no sense to us why we aren't able to have a new day. All they are giving us is a youtube video. The intentions are good, but it won't replace grad. We are asking you, our community, friends, and family to help us in getting a rescheduled graduation. We ask that you sign this petition to help show the GECDSB how important graduation is to us by signing this petition.

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