We, the people of South African, the working class, the youth, women, academics, and a broader community, stand in support of the National Insurance (NHI) Bill and urge to President of the Republic of South Africa, Honourable Cyril Ramaphosa to urgently sign it into law, and direct the resources be mobilised from across sectors of society. 

NHI is a necessity for our country and is on line with government programme to ensure improvements of healthcare and make it accessible to all South Africans.

We note we sadness objection by the haves, some political parties, and the private sector,  especially the private healthcare companies, and reject their opposition as it is self serving and geared towards ensuring that majority of South Africans continue to be denied quality healthcare. 

We further urge that a special commity be urgently established composed of individuals in the health sector inclusive of Doctors, nursing care, psychological care, healthcare  education and  curriculum administrators nistrator,  HR practitioners, financial experts, legal experts, and all interested stakeholders in the healthcare sector, to drive the implementation process. 

Finally, it is our wish that stringent machenism be set in place to adert corruption in the implementation of this noble programme,the NHI. 

Forward to the universal coverage of healthcare!

Forward to NHI implementation!

Down with corruption!

Down with opposition to NHI!

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