Local 372 Members

President Crespo,  

We the undersigned candidates of the New Direction Slate and the Real Change Slate have written this letter respectfully to ask that you step down as president of our local immediately and call off the proposed run-off election you are currently demanding. Your resignation will save Local 372 approximately $100,000 in a needless run-off election which will end with the same result, you losing the election. Our local has lost the cohesiveness we once had and a run-off will simply cause more embarrassment and division. You are driving a wedge into the family feeling we once had. Mr. President we feel what you are currently contemplating will be destructive to Local 372. We will not become insulting in this note. We will simply ask that you resign gracefully and with dignity and give the new leadership a chance to take hold before there is little to rebuild on.  

In Solidarity,

Local372 New Direction Slate    Contact the author of the petition