In solidarity with the dams of French Guiana


I wanted to inform my Guyanese compatriots on some points injustice, fed up.

I was eligible for a national education competition on file. In the corridors of the place of the oral, there were two people, not originating from the french Guiana, who said that they make two years in french Guiana and then leave. I am a guyanese, I did not have this contest, the better I was badly rated, but they were admitted to the contest. Two years in le french Guiana then they will leave!

There are competent gyanese, brought to do sub-tasks in their country. I am a doctor in Neurosciences and obliged to teach in the first degree. Besides to the oral conundrum, I was told you are already holder in the first degree why do you want to go to the second degree? I have clearly said that it is to take advantage of my scientific skills ...

I passed the contest to be titular, it had been 5 years that I was in the Region of french Guiana to write texts for the elected ones, to investigate foreign files or coming mainly from the hexagon. The money of Europe is not for the Guyanese but for those of the outside. Guyanese do not receive subsidies when they have projects.

I am the President of Désir d'Enfant, since the creation of my association 2011, I ask for grants to organize a consortium of infertility in French Guiana, I have no answer. Stop making us understand that we do not file an application, another (from the hexagon) files his file indicating Cayenne - Montpellier round trip, the request is granted.


Standing French Guiana !!!

Muriel CHEN-KUO-CHANG    Contact the author of the petition