Improve the Bus Service to Bevendean

We call on Brighton & Hove Bus company and Brighton & Hove City Council to improve the frequency, reliability and quality of the 48 bus service. 

Residents in Bevendean are fed up waiting for the 48. When an already infrequent bus is cancelled at the last minute, it can lead to loss of earnings, cancelled job interviews, fines for missing appointments, and absences from education. On top of all of that, the buses that do turn up often seem to be the oldest and worst performing in the city. 

We request that Brighton & Hove Bus company;

  • Increases the frequency of the 48 bus to every 15 minutes (4 buses per hour) during the working day. 
  • Makes a commitment to prioritise drivers for this route, and therefore reduces the number of cancellations. 
  • Assigns newer and high quality buses to this route.

We further call on Brighton & Hove City Council to support these demands, and ensure that the bus company are providing a decent bus service for ALL residents, irrespective of where they live. 


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