STORMONT! END the violation of our Human rights NOW! Face masks should NEVER BE MANDATORY!!!

The author of this petition

/ #10 Re: Infringements of human rights & forcing people wear masks

2020-08-12 12:01

#4: Protect the patients ! - Infringements of human rights & forcing people wear masks  

I've noticed a lot of retail staff online are confused because their employees are saying they have to wear masks when the executive announced they don't. It's as if the executive are waning to cause division in the public. It's disgraceful to some people abusing staff who aren't wearing them but the government is to blame for that because they created the mindset in the public that people not wearing a mask are a danger to others and don't care or respect them. I believe it was deliberate. Conquer and Divide? Possibly their goal. 

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