Stop the Bird Menace

Frustrated Resident

/ #51 Stop The Bird Menace

2014-07-24 08:42

NLC need to act now. The seagulls are the reason that garden bird numbers are in decline as they eat their eggs and with such high numbers of seagulls in the area the garden birds can't reproduce fast enough to keep up their numbers it's shocking that they are being allowed to overpopulate our town. The " Recycling" plant is the most shocking thing that this Council has bestowed upon this town it is nothing more than a health hazard on a grand scale attracting Rats in huge numbers which carry the risk to humans by potentially risking the spread of Rabies and other harmful diseases if not controlled. This facility needs to be shut down or be moved to a more suitable location away from all residential areas. Yes NLC if you were to actually come to this town and look around the train station the problem is there in full view, I travel from the Greenfaulds station as the Rats and Seagulls are just to disgusting the place is crawling with them is this how we wish to welcome visitors to our town. The seagulls attacking residents and small children is the final straw in my eyes as this says that the situation is out of control they are vermin along with rats and need to be treated as such in residential areas.