Save Orleans Riverside from Development


/ #138

2014-07-22 23:07

Look at the dimensions, not the artists impressions and spin. It is the size of a hangar, of a block of flats and must be to cover the vast prop which will be in it....sometimes.And Lord True wants to force this through. Our objections are being waved away as us simple folk being stirred up, misinformed (The dimensions and location are admitted) Unable to grasp how nice a hangar will be, ungrateful...or just not really mattering. No councillor can specify how much, if any amount of protest would be considered grounds to drop this. It's obvious that the consultation is more an exercise in box ticking and they hope that we can be diverted into having little amendments made to the thing..and will feel listened to.
This must not happen to the beautiful meadow. Riverside playground, view.It is not a restoration project, the Georgian boathouse was low and barely big enough for a small rowing skiff. It is not a way to improve the cafe or playground, the money already thrown at trying to sell this could have paid for any little improvements many times over.
Lords True and Stirling can find a vast hangar elsewhere. And persuade somebody else what an honour it would be to pay for it..