Stop this Iraqi Lawyer from building war crimes against our Troop

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This discussion topic has been automatically created of petition Stop this Iraqi Lawyer from building war crimes against our Troop.



2016-01-21 08:18

disgusting our soldiers are trained to fight in wars this should not be allowed its very wrong they have done nohtjing wrong this is persecution to make money



2016-01-21 08:30

Bloody disgusting!!!



2016-01-21 08:41

Cameron sort it out ffs. YOU sent them there, now look after them. Don't shit on your OWN troops.



2016-01-21 08:43

because we should never prosecute our armed forces for doing their job . you the government sent them to protect your ££ interest and our country



2016-01-21 08:47

It shouldn't be the troops that are punished for obeying the orders they are given. They're just doing their job correctly. SHOULD be the people high up giving the orders like Tony Blair whom started an illegal war that are prosecuted.




2016-01-21 09:47

It is SO SO wrong to let this happen. I am fuming.



2016-01-21 11:59

Our troops are only doing the job they have been sent to do. It's a sad day when they fear prosecution for doing it



2016-01-21 12:32

I signed this petition because our troops were sent out to Iraq by the Government of this Country so why is this Lawyer targeting our Troops for doing their job why have armed Forces if they cant do their job



2016-01-21 13:35

Disgusted in my own country taking action against our own troops, are we loosing the plot, look at the hate preachers we should be deporting !!!! Get a grip. !!



2016-01-21 17:54

If there was any crime committed by our armed forces...which we all know happens...then so be Wat they gota do....otherwise they should stop snooping & go of facts only!!!



2016-01-21 18:20

This persicution of OUR forces is so wrong they join and are trained for war to fight on and behalf of all of us



2016-01-21 19:00

Our troops are employed by our country to serve and protect, they are doing their job, and when they are under threat from terrorism, then they carry out that job, how many of the terrorist will be facing courts for what they have done off there own backs,
The murder's of innocents, the rape of woman and children, they don't serve any country, just there own lust for what they are doing, and domination of any country dumb enough to allow this injustice and greed by these jumped up charges, no they are not war crimes, by our soldiers, the war crimes were committed by these extremists who have no morals of any lives who don't agree with them.



2016-01-21 20:11

Because I think that it's absolutely disgusting that our brave soldiers are being dragged through the courts by a lawyer in the UK who clearly doesn't know the difference between right & wrong! Our soldiers are just doing their job & that job includes killing terrorists who are a threat to world peace.



2016-01-21 20:25

To stop this injustice on soldiers who are just doing a job



2016-01-21 21:14

Because it's disgusting that our armed forces are sent to war by bullshit politicians then hounded like this and at the same time letting sympathisers and possibly activists into our country and preach the hatered towards our queen our customs our freedom our culture our laws and our way of life



2016-01-21 22:57

I'm in the process of joining the army. It's my life's dream and I can't fathom why this is happening to our veterans. Is this going to happen to me too??? Its a question that I should not have to ask.



2016-01-21 23:05

I support the British Army in protecting their Country against terrorists and other threats. They are trained to a specific standard and operate by that standard which is government approved. Their own government must support them for that reason. They are after all, risking their own lives to protect society.



2016-01-21 23:06

Because our armed forces are ordered too fight, and protect our country, how can they be punished for doing that.



2016-01-21 23:20

Our government sent our troops there now back them up following orders is not a crime



2016-01-21 23:43




2016-01-22 00:13

I served on Op Telic 2-3, 2004 and find this a complete wrongful use of our great justice system.



2016-01-22 00:56

Because it's ludicrous , trying to prosecute troops for doing their job as instructed by the government



2016-01-22 01:33

our service men and weomen risked their lives for this country,now thet are being kicked in the teeth by our politicians and sold off to crooked lawyers



2016-01-22 05:23

This is completely wrong and disgusting and if our own government isn't going to protect us then we won't protect you.



2016-01-22 08:23

Shame on you Cameron if you allow this.