Threat to Welsh Language Teaching in Flintshire.

The future of Welsh language schools in Flintshire is under threat.

Of the county’s five Welsh-medium schools, two are directly threatened (with one -Ysgol Terrig in Treuddyn - immediately at risk); the long-term future of the others is in doubt.

Flintshire council intend to cut costs by merging or federating Welsh-medium schools with English-medium schools, putting their identity- as places where Welsh language and culture is taught - in danger.

The Council’s policies will inevitably weaken the provision of Welsh language teaching in the county.


This is against the strategy of the Welsh Assembly; it is against the Council’s own research; and it is against the policies of other Welsh Councils - who are actively engaged in building new Welsh-medium language schools.

We the undersigned call on Flintshire Council to protect and strengthen Welsh-medium provision in the county.