Crystal Louise Webb

My beautiful daughter crystal Webb got took in to hospital at the end of November 2016 she was in hospital for 3 days then they discharge her without no x-rays no blood test they didn't find any  real reason as to what was wrong with her then a couple of days later she sadly died. With post-mortem results coming back with phenomena something the hospital failed to diagnose, we felt justice was needed.  if Margate hospital rainbow ward done job probably, ran the correct tests and sent her for X-rays it would of been picked up they could of saved my daughter the story could go on and on as they done alot wrong please can people sign to try get docors / nurses treating my daughter at rainbow ward in Margate hospital Kent Struck off. Due to their negligence my daughter isn't here today. This matter needs to go further,   so no one else has to go through this pain. 