Consultation on Wildlife Crime Investigative Powers for the SSPCA

The Scottish Government propose to extend the powers of the SSPCA Inspectors relating to wildlife crime investigations. This will allow the SSPCA to investigate a greater number of suspected wildlife crimes. The SSPCA Inspectors will be able to come onto a person's land to 'investigate' the 'possibility' of a crime being committed. Police Scotland already have trained wildlife officers. Already the SSPCA operate with targets which make them follow up complaints in such a way that they try not to leave without finding something. This is one of the bad things about targets. The SSPCA should be concerning themselves with helping animals and owners, where there is a problem,educating, not bringing people to court. The SSPCA are a CHARITY and have powers now which are too great. This is all causing concern amongst responsible animal owners and gamekeepers. Please sign this petition so it can be presented to the Committee on Rural Affairs before they vote on the Bill in September.