Ban Natalia Dunaeva of Feel The Pride kennels in Russia, from owning any dogs and banned from showing dogs worldwide for cruelty and neglect of the beautiful Bracco Italiano.

Below are photographs of two chesnut Bracco Italiano that thankfully have been rescued and are mow living together in a wonderful home.

The breeder if these dogs, seen in the photographs, travels all over Europe, UK CRUFTS to show her chosen dogs that may do well in the show ring.


The two chesnut Bracchi sadly are not so well treated, they are emaciated, very nervous and on the group Bracco Italiano Rescue Organisation Worldwide BIRO, a full post and explanation of the treatment of these dogs, the rescue by wonderful Bracchi people is on the group.

The woman responsible for this neglect, is also named on their. 

There are no words, no excuses why she would do this cruel act when she can afford to travel and show her selected dogs.

She also breeds on a regular basis, bringing more Bracchi into her world where those kept, potentially could end up like these poor souls.

It is imperative that this kind of practice is stopped, the only way possible to prevent her from breeding and potentially abusing and neglecting more Bracchi or other breeds, is to ban her from showing for life. Plus a ban from keeping dogs of any breed.

We need your support to help stop this ever happening again, no dog should suffer in this way, mist certainly not our beautiful, sensitive Bracco Italiano. 

Your signature on this petition will help us inform, support in getting the aims of this petition which will be sent to Kennel Club around the world, FCI, RKC.


PLEASE SIGN AND SAVE A BRACCO ITALIANO in the future from this dreadful life.

Bracco Italiano Rescue Organisation Worldwide BIRO Chaur: Dorne Ashworth Carr    Contact the author of the petition

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