As the south African national reservist movement we are form thisove to fight with the corruption of the saps and fight for south African reservist who work for 20 years in saps and we're not taken

We are the saps reservist of the saps ,from nationally,saps disadvantage us due to corruption under police ministers ,reservist worked for 20 years without paying anything,,so as the reservist we need the whole country to know that saps kills reservist spiritually and emotionally as they used them after they through them away and create jobs for thair reletivs and with bribery ,as the movement we need BHEKI CELE to leave the office as soon as possible,,because the country is facing a huge problem of crime while we have people who can handle this situation,so south Africa it's time for us to fight for our people ,saps reservist deserve permanent employment and former reservist ,saps failed to attend this people as they request several meetings and they just ignored them and use dictatorship

Let's sign this petition to remove BHEKI CELE in his office 

#celemust go




The national chairperson of SANRM (south African national reservist movement,Mr mulaudzi thendo cornett Moses 0790851031    Contact the author of the petition

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