STOP PAN002 and PAN001

Contact the author of the petition

Encourage your friends to take part

2014-08-12 08:06:32

The petition is now gathering momentum, please encourage your friends and loved ones to sign and help us stop the destruction of our countryside.


Paul Meyer

Inclusion of PAN 001

2014-08-12 07:01:20

We have decided to include objections to our sister plot PAN 001 as a result of a recent public meeting.

The effects on Pangbourne and surrounding areas are the same and in fact compounded when viewed collectively.

Please share with your friends and encourage them to sign the petition. We hope to make hard copies available in the library and magazine very soon.

Thank you for your support


Paul Meyer

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  • Share the petition on your Facebook wall and in groups related to the topic of your petition.
  • Contact your friends
    1. Write a message where you explain why you have signed this petition, since people are more likely to sign it if they understand how important the topic is.
    2. Copy and paste the web address of the petition into your message.
    3. Send the message using email, SMS, Facebook, WhatsApp, Twitter, Skype, Instagram and LinkedIn.