Wrongfully accused and abused by Northumbria Police; a negative outcome will severely effect me and those around me.

I have been accused and charged of driving while under the influence of cannabis. I can categorically state and prove that this is not the case. Not only that, but I was beaten multiple times by multiple officers, sexually assaulted and tortured. Not to mention the PTSD, and damage to my equipment/home/income and wellbeing.
For me, this pales in comparison to the effect a negative outcome would have on the people around me and those who rely on me.

This petition, is set up in order to show the services I provide, are essential to the community in which I/you/we are involved. Individuals, businesses, event organizers, DJ's and anyone else involved in organising and operating events between Leeds and Edinburgh, and has used or will use the services provided by me or Pad Thai Hifi or through the Dr. Lush band;

I ask you to sign this petition, and in so doing, agree that the services I provide are an essential service and/or benefit to the community and economy at large. This includes all the events I have done at cost, and favors of which only a van can provide. Whether that be moving a sofa, collecting items or moving sound systems and equipment and artists. If I have done any ''work," any favors, or helped you out in any way, please add your signature to the list.

Doing so will help to ensure that I am still able to provide to the community, and support my team to do so as well. Without my vehicle I will be rendered useless, homeless and penniless.
If Pad Thai had to hire or outsource van use for example, it will vastly over run any profit we might have made, and because the majority of our events and involvement are run at cost, that means that anything we have taken part in, or are a part of, would be rendered completely unviable for either us, or the people we're helping out. Meaning we can't support and grow this incredibly important and influential (to some) scene and community.

Long live Jungle and Heavy Bass.

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