Stop 350 houses on green belt near Cheltenham

We the undersighned ask that the Secretary of State does not reverse the refusal of planning for 350 houses on land betwwen Shurdington Road and Church Road Cheltenham GL530JN. This land has generally been considered to be green belt in the past. The access roads for this development are already overused and have long tailbacks in the morning and evening. Shurdinton Road feeds into the busy Bath Road shopping area, which carries a large volume of traffic already and often grinds to a halt when there are deliveries to the shops or just badly or illegally parked cars. There is also totally inadequate infrastructure to cope with the increase in population this number of houses will cause. This includes doctors surgeries and hospital capacity, dentists, chemists and other shops, opticians, libraries and places of worship.

The target area is home to sensitive wildlife, both animals and plants, which would be disturbed and some organisms may be wiped out in this area. 

Runoff from this development above a densely populated town would exacerbate flood risk 

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