Unmask Our Children - Buckeye Valley Local Schools



No mandates. Choice. Freedom. There is as much science against masks as the science they claim supports masks.

Christie Vaulx (Delaware , 2021-08-19)


Masks are an infringement on our rights and they aren’t even effective. They are a breeding ground for germs and bacteria.

Lauren Rohrbaugh (Marengo, 2021-08-19)


The mask mandate feels like a bait and switch from the beginning of the year communication. Also, The agenda for the Board meeting I feel was not clearly communicated and I don't feel there was adequate representation of what the children's parents (the people who elected the board members to act in good faith per our wishes). The overwhelming majority, the OVERWHELMING majority of children are attending maskless. You can't possibly think that isn't indicative of our wishes

Jason Rish (Richwood, 2021-08-19)


I believe it should be a parents choice on what is best for their families. The ones who want to wear it wear the ones who don't should have that right not to.

Jill Berry (Marengo, 2021-08-19)


I believe we should have the choice.

Brooke Cottrell (Delaware , 2021-08-19)


Our right to choose for our kids!!!

Sarah Ginn (Delaware, 2021-08-19)


I dont think the kids should have to wear mask for 8 hours a day and kids like mine are vaccinated and still have to wear a mask its not right

Heather Garcia (Delaware, 2021-08-19)


I am signing because a child should not have to be forced to wear something on their face to learn. A parent and child make that decision. That’s their right as a mother, father, child, son, daughter…and a student.

Alexis Myers (Ashley, 2021-08-19)


I am signing because the parents should have the ability to make the decision they think is best for their child, rather than being told by the school district. The negative affects created by these kids having to wear a mask for 7 hours out of the day far outweigh any sort of protection these masks supposedly provide. We cannot force these kids to live in a perpetual state of fear. It is time to move on and let these kids be kids.

Kayla Lemaster (Ostrander, 2021-08-19)


I'm signing because it should be my right as a parent to decide what is best for my children.

Nicole Bailey (Ashley, 2021-08-19)


I want a choice. This is not Afghanistan.

Steve Rosser (Ostrander, 2021-08-19)


This directly affects my granddaughter.

Beth Schafer (Urbana, 2021-08-19)


It should be the parents or kids rights to decide if they want to wear a mask or not.

Brad Thompson (Radnor , 2021-08-19)


Mandated masking is child abuse

Dustin Mullet (Delaware, 2021-08-19)


This virus will NEVER go away regardless of being vaccinated or not. The effectiveness of the vaccine in adults is not yet understood as evidenced by vaccinated individuals testing positive for covid. We also don’t know the long term effects of an mRNA vaccine as it has never been used.

People literally hid behind a mask to prevent the spread of covid last school year. What is going on at all the children’s hospitals right now? A huge influx of positive RSV kiddos. RSV a typical winter cold.

Last winter the hospital had none. The media will not say why children’s hospitals are full. It is not because of covid. It is from all the typical winter viruses our children need to get when they are young so kids immune system learn how to fight it off. I’m concerned what will happen if we keep masking and gelling.

The other important reason I will not have my child wear a mask is for appropriate social interaction and language development. It is going to make it so much harder for my kindergartener to learn how to read when his teacher has a mask covering his/her mouth.

Sonja Hrdy (Ostrander, 2021-08-19)


For my grandchildren whom attend BV schools and want the freedom for not wearing a mask when they are the least vulnerable to COVID-19

Mary Suzette Hall (Radnor, 2021-08-19)


I’m signing this because I believe parents need to make decisions for THEIR Children. I DO NOT agree with putting our kids whether in Elementary, Middle, or High School in masks!

Debbi Pemberton (Ashley , 2021-08-20)


This decision must be reversed. It’s time for parents to get involved in the Board meetings (next meeting Sept 1st at the high school). From what I saw during yesterday’s board meeting (before it was removed from YouTube), although I think that we are in the majority, the few parents who were participating were pushing for the mandate. These are our children, we know what’s best for them.

Kevin Bledsoe (Ostrander, 2021-08-20)


Let’s all get involved on board meetings. We need to make sure to find out when next election is for board members and support the ones who don’t push their decisions based on political views on us.

Elena Bledsoe (Ostrander, 2021-08-20)


I am signing because it is the job of the parent to decide if they want to have their child/children wear a mask. The school system is an entity of the government and it is not the governments or any entity of the government to make health decisions for it's citizens. The school systems job is it provide an education not push agendas or propaganda.

Pamela Radebaugh (Sunbury, 2021-08-20)


I'm signing this because as a parent I have a right to keep my child safe and with the mask their immune system isn't learning to fight anything off. My daughter says she can't breathe and makes her have anxiety she is 11 and does not need that while trying to learn. The kids are happy they are not isolated anymore. Happy kids want to learn.

Jessie Fox (Ashley, 2021-08-20)


The numbers don't show that masks should be mandated at this time in our school district.. I believe it should be each families choice.

Thomasina Kingery (Ashley, 2021-08-20)


The science DOES NOT SUPPORT the efficacy of mask. The use of mask can cause detrimental effects, the masks are breading grounds for bacteria. Children are having trouble learning to enunciate. The school have NO place in deciding what is best for our children. Our Tax dollars pay for your salary. School board members YOU DONT GET TO DECIDE WHAT IS BEST FOR OUR CHILDREN. TAKE THE MASK OFF our children.

Paula Hughes (Harrod, 2021-08-20)


Covid in kids are very rare look at the cdc data. At this time kids can have a vaccine if they choose so or where a mask if they want their body their choice. Also breathing in a mask all day is recirculating the same air is proven to cause problems down the road.

William Converse (Ostrander, 2021-08-20)


I don’t believe mask should be forced to be worn, for kids in school or for anyone else.

Barbara Conkle (Cardington, 2021-08-20)


I fully support personal choice and informed consent on all medical decisions. There is statistically zero percent chance of kids dying from this virus. I fully support the parents of children in all Buckeye Valley Schools who exercise their right to make medical decisions for their children.

David Church (Ostrander, 2021-08-20)


Loss of freedom to choose

Jennifer Clark (Marengo, 2021-08-20)


Not necessary at all

Charles Sylvis (Washington , 2021-08-20)


It’s parents choice for their children!

Kerree Susi (Powell, 2021-08-20)


Freedom to make our own choices!

Karen Park (Columbus, 2021-08-20)


My children will not be muzzled for a second year. Masks are not the problem.. fear mongering media and politicians are the problem..

Scott Huffman (Ostrander, 2021-08-20)


Masks are not healthy for a number of reasons. My child had daily headaches and migraines wearing one last school year. If forced to wear one, we'll be forced to pull her from school. She can't focus and learn while dealing with headaches.

Naomi Derwent (Ashley, 2021-08-20)


The decision to wear a mask is an individual choice. It should never be forced on any one.

T Cox (East Liberty, 2021-08-20)


I believe this is more political than anything, we never had to wear mask for the flu. Which by the way seems to have gone away. COVID has a 97% survival rating in healthy individuals adults. Children has a even higher survival rating.

Brock Piatt (Ashley, 2021-08-20)


I’m tired of these uneducated educators trying to control my children’s live by forcing mask and lgbtq on them

Matt Whitaker (Radnor, 2021-08-20)


My children should have the choice to wear a mask. Masking our children is taking away our rights

Matt Halt (ASHLEY, 2021-08-20)


I'm signing because scientific data shows 97% of germs get through the cloth masks and thus no one is protected.

Wayne Hawley (Radnor, 2021-08-20)


It should be my choice as the parent to say if they need to wear a mask or not!
On top of that they are pointless in stopping the spread of Covid.

Mechelle Luikart (Ashley, 2021-08-20)


This is an over reach of power from the school board. Ohio does not have a mask mandate in place so therefore it is only optional at this time. There are many studies showing masks do not and will not stop a respiratory virus with animal reservoirs such as this coronavirus. If parents want to send their child to school in a hazmat suit or giant bubble that’s fine because they have the right to do so. In the same breath, parents should have the same rights allowing their children to show up without a mask.

Keith Myers (Delaware, 2021-08-20)


I feel like this should be the parents right to choose if we should mask or not.

Tenille Schoonover (Delaware, 2021-08-21)


I believe it’s the parents choice on whether or not our kids wear a mask

Cathleen Williams (Ostrander , 2021-08-21)


I do not agree with the mask mandate. I feel This violates our personal freedom. It is also unhealthy for the immune system. Our bodies are designed to build immune response when coming in contact with certain virus’s. If we are continually covering the face... no immunity will be built and we will soon not be able to fight the common cold/flu. So we will have a bigger pandemic on our hands in the future.

Angela Williams (Ostrander , 2021-08-21)


Masks are torture and do not work!

Jana Quart (Delaware, 2021-08-21)


Masking children for no reason is evil

Joe Simpson (Ashley, 2021-08-21)


Parents have the absolute right to make all health decisions regarding their children.

Shannon Atkins (Delaware , 2021-08-22)


I feel it's against my Children's religious rights.

Laura Porter (Ostrander, 2021-08-22)


This is a parent choice, nothing to do with schooling. This is my call not the schools.

Tayla Ewing (Ostrander, 2021-08-22)


It's the right thing to do and parents should be in control of their kids decisions!

Erik Berry (Marengo , 2021-08-22)


It will hurt our childrens mental and physical health. Plus it makes no sense to mask healthy children for 2 years.

Kris Jordan (Ostrander, 2021-08-22)


Parents of the children should be the ones responsible for the safety and beliefs of there children not crooked politicians and public school officials

Cole Foreman (Ostrander, 2021-08-22)


I’m signing because I think it’s unconstitutional to mandate such things without parents approval. I also think it’s unhealthy for children to sit with a mask on for eight plus hours.

Lyndell Bell (Delaware , 2021-08-23)


Parents should have the right to choose.

Michael Morrison (Marion, 2021-08-24)


Agree! https://www.petitions.net/signatures/optional_masks_in_public_school/?u=7564934

Jessica Vowels (Clinton, 2021-08-29)


I have a child in the BV school district and I believe that children should have the freedom to choose to mask or not AND I am concerned about our child’s health challenges that this will complicate his current situation.

David Lewis (Delaware, 2021-09-01)


It's not up to the school to tell me how to raise my children

Heidi Rayburn (Radnor, 2021-09-15)


This is an encroachment on our rights and freedoms. It is a parent’s right to decide what is best for their children not government or a school board. It is time you all realize that you work for us not the other way around

Victoria High (Cardington, 2021-10-30)

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