Say No to Tameside Recycling gone mad

I have started this petition to get like minded people to let them selves be heard. Tameside councils complaints procedure is not transparent enough to show how many people are against the latest of Tameside Councils latest recycling changes.


For those that do not know. Tameside Council is currently running an experiment in 4 areas of Tameside. In these areas they have swapped the usage of the bins. The green bin is now for general waste and the black for bottles etc. This change of purpose has effected many families with rubbish ending up on the streets in my area and myself having to pay someone to take the excess waste away as I do not drive. So basically you pay the same amount in council tax but get half the bin size making families with small children have to either live in filth or find a way to take the excess general waste to the local tip. This is being trialed but will soon become main stream accross tameside.

So if you do not want to have half a bin that is emptied every 2 weeks sign this petition and I will take it to Tameside Council.