Dehing Patkai has a diverse species of flora fauna. So, coal mining will definitely have a major impact on it. The most affected part will be the reptiles and the small mammals of the forest. The wastes and chemicals will obviously pollute the rivers and the water bodies of the forest which are the lives of the wildlife and also for the ethnic groups living there. The main river Dehing flows through a number of parts of Assam, which will carry the dangerous wastes to a large area. Coal mining will destroy the home of many birds, bees, reptiles, and animals. Removal of a huge amount of soils from the underground will have a direct impact on the wildlife. The emission of Sulpher dioxide, nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide, arsenic leads to air pollution and acid rains. The coal dust created by the crushing and processing of coal will be a major problem for the animals. The mercury released will lead to mercury poisoning in the river bodies causing the death of many endangered species of fishes living there. 

As all of us are known that the world is not only for mankind, the animals and birds have equal rights in every part of it. If we grab their habitats for the benefit of mankind then there is no value of praying to God every day, making large temples. This is totally unfair for our own mother. Already, we people have done major damages to our cohabitants, destroyed many species. The environment is changing rapidly creating natural disasters that are out of our control. Technology is growing faster and we are becoming dumber and dumber with time that we are ignoring the environmental change of the world occurring only because of us. We are the culprit, we should suffer. But why those innocent beautiful animals are suffering more than us. They are not creating pollution, dust, or destroying their own habitats.


The technology will make our life more luxurious but we will not get another world. It is for sure that we cannot discover another planet to live in now. We have to conserve our earth, balancing the environment by decreasing these illegal activities. Let's protect our mother. Let's stop coal mining, let's stop destroying forests, let's stop digging a hole in our mother earth. Technology can find an alternative to coal but it can't find an alternative to trees and the animals. You can't create a new home in space. Let's hold a second and think it deeply, "Will you do the same with your mother? Will you make holes in your mother's heart? Will you?"


Let's start it with Dehing Patkai and conserve every remaining forests from our dirty activities. Minimize the use of energy as much as possible so that the Government won't have to take such steps in the future. Let's take the first step to make a change. If it's not you, then nobody else.


Kaustov Duwarah, Assam Engineering College    Contact the author of the petition

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