Reallocation of management placement

It is clear that many of us have been given management placements which we did not request, or have shown an interest in.

Given that we had completed the expression of interest forms provided to us on the 23rd November which stated the reasons for our request; it is unclear as to why we have not been allocated on these wards or wards relating to our chosen clinical area.

Some have already been offered jobs on the wards we requested, and also having requested such placements from as early as our 1st year, the fact that many of us have not been allocated to our chosen wards needs to change sooner rather than later as our management placements will commence soon.

BHR trust have stated that they would like us to sign a 12 month contract in order to complete our preceptorship with the clinical area we have been allocated to during our management, but how can we sign up for a contract to work in a ward we do not necessarily wish to work on? 

12 weeks is a long time to be working on our very last ward before we qualify as registered nurses. Please sign this petition which will be sent to the university in order for action to be taken. 

Even if you are aware of your placement and you are happy with where you have been placed, please still sign in order to show support for those that have put in requests which have been quite clearly ignored. 

Help us make a change, this is our career, our jobs, our nursing future at jeopardy as a result of questionable management. 



09/13 Student Nurses of London South Bank University - Havering