Prevention of reopening of schools because of increasing Covid 19 patients.

To honourable HRD minister,
On behalf of all the school students I want to bring your attention to the increasing number of Covid 19 cases. The goal of this petition is to avoid reopening of schools before coronavirus pandemic is fully eradicated from India. Below are the reasons why school must not be opened before conditions get back to normal.

1: Judging by the rate at which Covid 19 patients are increasing day by day schools shouldn't be opened unless coronavirus is fully eradicated.
2: MIT research has found that if vaccine isn't made soon, India will have 2.1 lakh daily cases towards the end of 2021.
3: As a solution to school exams, online tests can be taken.
4: Children are at a higher risk of death from coronavirus infection than adults as statistics have proven.

Parents will not send their children to the school because of the high risk of catching coronavirus. Students cannot risk lives in time like this. Students are the future of this nation and we cannot risk it. This petition must be signed for our safety and we all should stand strong together to make it happen.

Here is a report from MIT:IMG_20200725_173817.png

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