Object to the erection of an 18.5m mobile mast and bulky cabinets in the Old Chiswick Conservation Area

  1.  CK Hutchison Networks (UK) Ltd has submitted a prior approval application to erect an 18.5m high mast with associated cabinets (4) at the end of Corney Road close to the junction with Pumping Station Road, Grantham Road and Corney Reach
  2. This proposal is in the Old Chiswick Conservation Area and adjacent Chiswick House Conservation Area, will be very visible above the tree line and visible for a wide radius across Chiswick
  3. The scale, height, and unsympathetic way this structure has been designed will have a significant detrimental impact to the area and will massively impact the visual amenities of our residential neighbours.
  4. The proposal is contrary to the adopted Local Plan policy EC4 and section 5 of the NPPF that was cited at appeal in 2017 when Vodafone’s application was denied.
  5. The chosen site is only 270m from Cavendish Primary School.
  6. Any installation in this location will obstruct passers-by who use the pavement extensively to access the River Thames amenity







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