Illegal Taxi rank on Selati street between Umkomaas and Garsfontein road


 We, residents of Ashlea Gardens and Alphen Park are petitioning the City of Tshwane to act against the illegal taxi rank on Selati street, Ashlea Gardens, between Umkomaas street and Garsfontein road. 

The taxi's obstruct visions for vehicles turnign into Selati street form Umkomaas road. They obstruct the sidewalk for any pedestrians. There are no ablution facilities for the taxi drivers waiting there the whole day. The waste from the drivers and taxis is dumped on the road side, and the taxis reverse into Selati street creatign dangerous road conditions.  The fire hydrant is used for washign the taxis and left running wasting water. 

We would like the CoT to install bollards to prevent parking on the side walk. We would like TMPD to enforce by laws and the rules of the road. 

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