plymstock swimming pool

Quoted post


#11 plymstock swimming pool

2016-07-02 17:15

it`s a scam has been for a long time,some one`s rich now with the money plymstock people have put together for the pool.




#27 Re: plymstock swimming pool

2016-07-14 17:55:08


#28 Re: plymstock swimming pool

2016-07-14 18:00:00

#11: jim - plymstock swimming pool 

 It isn't a scam at all and shame on you for suggesting it is.  Many, many people have worked very hard since 1994 to comply with the city council's edit to raise funds and prove the need for a pool in plymstock. The council have reneged on their agreement. They once offered land by the Broadway but the residents complained. I hope you feel very ashamed suggesting that all this effort is a scam and someone is now very rich.  That is slander!