Illegalise companies who charge for free government services

Quoted post



2014-03-18 12:31

I was in a rush, I saw DVLA in Google adwords, assumed wrongly that they were legitimate, and I got charged £36 simply for them to send me the official DVLA forms to complete, with another charge of £20 for the pleasure of them sending it!! I am so angry, at myself, and people like this. I may as well driven down the road and thrown the £36 out of the window.



#4 Re: Illegalise companies who charge for free government services

2014-05-09 13:47:35

#3: -  

 I feel exactly the same was in rush needed new documents for work and thought I was on the correct site after a google search and was charged £39 thinking that was my fee and now need to pay another £20 for something I could have done myself that they copied what I had already written online and not done that very well. So angry at myself for being so stupid this company needs to be closed down :(