Palestinian prisoners


/ #4

2012-04-21 20:21

This is a worthy cause because the Palestinian people have lost their homeland and have been resisting the occupation for decades. The world turned its attention to Libya, Egypt, Tunisia and now to Syria and Bahrain as people died on the streets to achieve democracy, but which networks cover the Palestinian issue which has dragged on for years with deadly violence and oppression? Israel got away with the Cast Lead massacre, one of very many such massacres, some deadlier and more destructive than others, as the ICC has refused to do its duty and be impartial in the matter and hold Israel accountable to international law. America's imperial power protects Israel with weapons and money, yet refuses to protect the ordinary Palestinian mother, father or child who has been beaten, tortured, shot at, stolen from, harassed, etc. Palestine has called for a boycott of Israel which I support and encourage anybody else with a conscience to do the same until Israel complies with international law and gives full rights to Palestinians living in Israel or the occupied territories.