Save Orleans Riverside from Development


/ #105

2014-07-14 16:35

Its worse than a stupid idea-Lord True has lined up the site, the developer the huge boat-and then we find out.It is very dishonestly presented as a restoration project to allay suspicion. Reading that, you might think some nice vanished piece of Orleans House is being fixed up. No. The original boat house was big enough for a small rowing skiff. This is the size of a block of 24 flats and requires a deep chanel, lock gates etc etc. The size of this build on our public land, the last bit of unspoilt riverside-is appalling.
It was very clear that the sort of consultation preferred is one in which we are all drawn into little quibbles about details of the edifice under the tacit assumption that this is a done deal. Parking? Traffic? Loss of a meadow protected in law for the residents to enjoy? Not considerations.
One million of our money, which could go on so many universally local services and causes all terribly in need to be thrown into selling this , sorry, "investigating the possibilities".
Does anybody really believe that Lord True for a second is seriously thinking of any other sites?

The council have spent thousands on the PR and advertising of this already. They have spent our money on the glossy leaflets and their delivery.They are going to throw all the spin they can on this one. The local services such as libraries are required-that's, required-to display what amounts to blatant advertising . Everybody please help Friends Of Orleans Riverside to spread the word!