
/ #18

2014-01-15 07:13

We the citizen of Jamaica are very tired of hearing the violent acts commiting against our own people.The government must start taking an aggressive step to eradicate these violent acts quickly. First, they should clean up the curruptions that goes on the government bodies. Remember, people lead by examples. We need some strong and ethical leadership first in the house and the people of Jamaica will follow. Most people are law binding people. If we cut out the curruptions and crime in our beautiful Island. We will get more people investing in Jamaica.Thus create more jobs for the citizens of our Island.
Basically, there are not many jobs for young people to do. Therefore, they will do anything to survive. Also, we neeed more male leadership in these young mens life. Most of them has no father figure at home. No education and without an education most people usually are very ignorant and ill tempered. They dont know how to reason
or to solve a confrontation. Instead they rather fight instead.
I am certainly looking forward to a crime free Jamaica in my life time.