Save Your Local Business Support

Allen Pluck

/ #13 Re: Do not cut funding for HIB

2011-02-23 18:33

#5: Monica Lowenberg - Do not cut funding for HIB

Thanks Monica

It seems that only those at the sharp end of business understand how the economy works.

The newly unemployed will pay less income tax as they become unemployed.  They will also spend less locally, thus hitting other business profits and their ability to pay tax.  Other employed tax payers will face a bill for their unemployment benefits.

The priority must be to get the economy growing and the unemployed back to work so we can fill the bigger part of the deficit caused by the recession.

The best way to cut the deficit is to encourage growth. That's not always easy for governments to do, but cutting the funding to organisations that help people get back on the employment ladder will certainly not create new jobs, help companies survive nor cut the deficit.

Can I please ask that you to spread the word to all your known business contacts, friends, neighbours, and local residents and ask them to sign the petition too.

Thanks Allen