School Crossing Outside Blakehill School

Contact the author of the petition

This discussion topic has been automatically created of petition School Crossing Outside Blakehill School.

Caroline Lowery
The author of this petition


2014-06-05 05:10

Fortunately Adam came away with no serious injuries but that does not mean someone will be seriously hurt soon if we don't getting a crossing patrol



2014-06-05 05:37

Yesterday my son was knocked down outside Blakehill school,luckily he will recover from his injuries,the next child my not be so lucky!!!! No pelican crossing or lollipop man to help with crossing,if said things had been in place my son would not of been injured and less chance of some losing a life!!!!



2014-06-05 06:03

I cannot believe that the lollypop man hasn't automatically been replaced when he retired! Highfield road is terrible to cross! Does a child have to die before something is done?



2014-06-05 07:22

If they can't afford a lollipop man then we should definatly have a zebra crossing.



2014-06-05 08:43

This is a very dangerous road and the school is near a very bad bend in the road. People park cars on the double yellow lines, which obscures pedestrians view even further.



2014-06-05 10:51

Please please provide a lollypop man/woman, please don't wait for a child to be hurt or even killed.
Cars come round the corner far too fast, as we found out when a car spun out of control and crashed into the side of our car.



2014-06-05 11:42

They should be a crossing outside every school !!!



2014-06-05 14:39

This is a horrible road to cross in the morning I have 2 young children with a 3rd on the wY it's dangerous something has to be done!



2014-06-05 14:54

There is not zebra crossing or safe place to cross yet Low Ash primary school in Wrose has a pedestraian crossing and a crossing warden? Is this not a waste of funding? Also Thackley primary has a zebra crossing and a crossing warden again funding waste? We have neither! Will it take a child to be injured before we get either?



2014-06-05 15:12

I think it's unacceptable the Blakehill Primary School hasn't reinstated a patrol. I agree that the crossing is on a bad bend where you are almost blind to traffic coming up the hill from the right. The speed motorists come past the school is also quite scary and have seen a few accidents involving cars outside the school. I've not heard of any incidents involving children, but fear a fatal accident is on the cards if something isn't done. This recent accident should serve as a warning that our children need to be able to enter and leave school safely, and to ensure this, a crossing patrol is necessary.



2014-06-05 15:35

A very busy road at school times and lots of cars parked.I can't believe there isn't a Crossing Patrol,that's not acceptable.



2014-06-05 17:23

My daughter goes to this school and the local council and school should be protecting our babies from injury or worse.



2014-06-05 18:03

This school is on one of the very busy and dangerous roads in Bradford.Do we have to wait for a child to be killed before a school crossing person is employed to work there.What's more important a Childs Life or scrimping on area's that need to be addressed,,,,find the funding x



2014-06-05 18:58

The children at blakehill primary really need this crossing the lollypop man retired and wasn't replaced. There is an island but this island is on a very bad blind bend and people drive too fast past this area to the extent that the wall opposite has been knocked down several times. Please sign this petition and keep our children safe



2014-06-05 19:30

This is a very hazardous area and after recent events desperately requires a traffic lollipop person to help children leaving school.



2014-06-05 19:42

Highfield road is very dangerous where the school is
Something needs to be done to make it safer for the children



2014-06-05 19:42

My daughter goes to this school and Highfield Road is an absolute nightmare with idiots parking all over the place including right on corners restricting visibility of oncoming traffic, god forbid they should park slightly further away and walk the last bit, or maybe that would result in their Ugg boots getting covered in the many dog turds that litter the pavements on the way down to the school gates!



2014-06-05 20:50

Thank goodness your son is ok. We relied on Jim to help us cross the road safely. The island is little help because of the blind bend. When other local schools have crossings and or a warden it is wrong that Blakehill has neither! We shouldn't have to wait for an accident before something is done.



2014-06-05 21:07

We need to know our children are safe when crossing our roads.



2014-06-06 06:21




2014-06-06 06:41

This road is far too busy to risk NOT putting a crossing patrol on. Surely children's lives are worth more than that? I'm sure you'll have people interested in the position us you just got on and advertised it.



2014-06-06 07:25

Contact your local mp to put the proposal to the council.



2014-06-06 10:27

Please sign this x



2014-06-06 10:30

Please sign this everyone xx



2014-06-06 15:36

In the rush hour Highfield Road is a busy road and drivers often exceed the speed limit. Added to that many parents park dangerously and/or illegally when dropping children off and collecting them at the end of the school day and from the afterschool club. The reinstating of the lollipop man/lady would go some way to ameliorate the present problems and hopefully go somewhay towards making crossing the road safer.