Re-Launch Petition 'IMPROVE GP ACCESS ACROSS PEMBROKESHIRE' / Announcements / Remedial Measures / Comments



2022-12-19 23:34

As far as I'm aware this wasn't even made public knowledge - so yeah, damn right I want to know the reasons why they're in special measures



2022-12-20 08:09

Yes! We should also be made aware of their requirements to put things right. How can they expect some people to accept a telephone call back as an appointment or important consultation ( not giving a time for call back or even a time slot), what about those who are unable to receive phone calls during working hours? What about those who are unable to carry a phone with them due to their policies within their work place? Alot of social care/ hospitals do not allow you to carry phones with you so how is this an option for those people? The difficulty in accessing a same day appointment is almost impossible, given the alternative ' lottery' service provided is a telephone call back on the surgeries difficult terms! It's an unfare health care lottery system currently .

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