Cochlear implant guild lines need changing

I recently had assessments and tests regards cochlear implants as I'm profoundly deaf,I qualify on my hearing loss,but was turned down on a speech test.
A speech test involves sitting in front of a large speaker with speech played at 65db,you have to repeat back what you hear,my score was 70% (NICE) guild lines state you should be 50-60% or worse,so this means I can't have a life changing opperation that could improve my hearing.
These tests are carried out in a sound proof booth,so all back ground noise you get in a normal day to day environment is not present.
So these tests give an inadequate result to my level of hearing in a normal day to day environment,I said I scored 70% in the above test,this gives me 34% hearing in my left ear and 36% in my right ear,this is with 2 times high powered hearing aids fitted,in a normal day to day environment these results would be less than the above score.
The goverment think I live in a sound proof booth as they take all back ground noise away,and test me in them conditions.
I would like your help in supporting me and many others in getting these ridiculous guild lines changed,so people with profound deafness could lead a normal life having a cochlear implant fitted.