Building Waste In The Overstrand Environment

Residents in the Overstrand.


Building rubble is being dumped by almost every builder that is working in our biome...

They dump concrete in its tons...

They then conceal cement, rubble, tiles, building sand, bricks, paint, plastic, old packaging and the list continues....


This often happens without the knowledge of the home owner... you.


I need you to sign this petition so that we can urge the environmental department to implement strict regulation that protects our soil.....


The Environmental Department Of The Overstrand Municipality must receive an application by The building company that is building on a certain location...

This application will prompt a representative of the department to visit a building site before, during and after a home is erected....


The inspector must do his/her due diligence by informing the building company/Contractor that they must not leave ANY rubble or waste material behind....


The inspector must return to the land in question and write a report on the state of the environment...


Strict and crippling fines must be the result of such negligence...



Builders have been given free reign to build without the knowledge they require to ensure that the environment is going unaffected.


Our children will lose the most diverse environment ON THE PLANET if we do not act now.


The effects of old rubble/cement dust on our soil is devastating to the fynbos/Renosterveld.


Please sign

Timothy Paul Of The Quarter Gardens.    Contact the author of the petition

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