Bring Back The Youth Conference!!!!

We as the young people of the Answer church of God in Christ feel unheard and taken for granted by our leaders , we have worked tirelessly preparing for the youth conference only to be cancelled at the 11th hour without any prior discussions with us or our leaders, without being given a valid reason too.

We have invited people, prepared ourselves for this and cancelled all other plans just to come and serve, spent time rehearsing our items which were to be rendered 

why Is it easy for our leaders to cancel us ?.. if it was a church conference was the same decision gonna be taken, would they have cancelled an Esther conference at an 11th hour because there are unresolved matters? ...How do we keep on serving when we are being treated like we do not matter and do not have a voice 

We demand to be heard, we demand to have our conference back!! We as the young people matter

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