Speeding and noise pollution Brimington Residents.

This petition is to collaborate with brimington residents and the local authorities in order to improve the safety and well being of the local public.

The first point to be made is the speed along Station Road Brimington. This is a busy road with a park and a junior school in close proximity. Unfortunately despite numerous complaints in regards to the speeding along this road, nothing has been organised to improve it. 

We, the local residents of Brimington, would appreciate some form of speed restriction along this road. The reason for this is for public safety. We recognise that during school times there is a lollypop lady working at the junction of Rother Avenue, however it has been witnessed that there has been many close calls in regards to her safety and the children's safety with uncooperative drivers. We as a community believe safety measures should be enforced to prevent any possible risks to life. 

Furthermore, there are a few nuisance noise violations that have been upsetting local residents. Noticeably a motorcyclists that seems to be doing laps of brimington with a very excessively loud exhaust. This has been disrupting the peace around the village of Brimington. 


We feel that with more patrols in place along with the speed enforcement, either speed bumps, cameras or patrols, would be beneficial to the safety and well-being of the local residents of Brimington.



Katie morgan and Dean Crowder    Contact the author of the petition

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