Accusers of innocent people should be put in prison

I think that any person, female, male, any gender and above the age of 16 should be held accountable and charged for a serious charge of perverting the course of justice if they accuse someone of a crime and it comes out that the person accused was innocent. They should be handed some type of sentence and held accountable for not only wasting police time, wasting jail spaces, HMP money, courts time, the judges time, the defendants/accuseds time. Wasting prison spaces when they're people out there who really deserve to be in there. Every time someone accuses someone of something and it comes out that the person is innocent, the accuser never gets any repercussions and also gives true victims of that crime a harder time convicting actual perpetrators. It's just wrong on so many levels but maybe the repercussions might make some people think twice about wasting everyone's time and money and freedom. 

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