Repeal Weston Sanitary Board Increase



I do not want an increase.

Miriam Cole (Weston, 2021-01-29)


The cost is to high.

Jennifer Exline (Weston, 2021-01-29)



Casey Lowther (Weston, 2021-01-29)


The sewer bill is already high enough, without an increase!

Amber Slaven (Weston, 2021-01-29)


This is entirely too much. We are all some more than others in dire straits esp elderly on fixed incomes. We need less cost not more

Vicki Bowen (Weston, 2021-01-29)


19% increase is bullshit. Leaving this doomed town anyway. Tired of all the heroin.

Ben Rich (Weston, 2021-01-29)


I’m signing because this increase is ridiculously high how do you expect people to pay when so many are out of work and barely able to put food on the table for their family.

Sonya Jarrett (Weston, 2021-01-29)


Why should we pay an increased amount for the same or worse service.

Forrest Stalnaker (Jane Lew, 2021-01-29)


This increase is absurd.

Donna Painter (Weston, 2021-01-29)


i live in Weston and am a voter and an increase right now is not in anyone's best interest. this amount is also ridiculous

OPAL RIFFLE (WESTON, 2021-01-29)


Increasing the payment for their customers during a pandemic (when many are barely able to make ends meet because of covid) is just absurd.

Amber Richards (Weston, 2021-01-30)


The bill is already too high... Nobody can afford an increase

Christal Myers (Weston, 2021-01-30)


I think it is so sad that the Weston Sewage Company would lack the empathy and sympathy to ask for a 19% increase during a national pandemic. Way to keep our young adults in Weston.

Penny Rohrbough (Weston, 2021-01-30)


I don’t want rate increases!

Heather Summers (Camden, 2021-01-30)


The rate increase in the middle of a pandemic is absurd because people are really struggling to pay their bills as it is.

chad taylor (weston , 2021-01-30)


I’m signing because the sanitary board has proven to already unfairly bill Weston citizens. We cannot afford this much of an increase in the middle of a pandemic. People are struggling to make ends might now. This is a disgusting display of disrespect to those who reside in Weston.

Vannessa Crim (Weston, 2021-01-30)


The bill is already high they get a raise when our water bill goes up so it’s double dipping cause this is based on our water bill

Brandy Burkhammer (Weston , 2021-01-30)


I think this is very important because the bill is already steep enough and this is such a huge increase!

Amanda Burge (Weston , 2021-01-30)


I cannot afford to pay a 19% increase.

Dawn Syrews (Weston, 2021-01-31)


Because we have sewer issues in weston like crazy that still has no been cared for. Our prices increase based on our water usage regardless which should not occur anyways. Over half the neighborhoods in our town have issues our pipes are outdated replacing is completely up to the person theres no help from the company and lack of care honestly. Theres absolutely no logic to this increase at all. Fix the issues make it more effective and efficient for billing. Give us reasons for the increases with absolutely no changes to our household or the usage.

Rose Ables (Weston , 2021-01-31)


I don’t want my Bill to go up. I pay $17 just to have water to the edge of my property. My house isn’t even on the land yet in order to even use water. I had to pay $300 just to have the access out there now I have to pay $17 a month for nothing!

Sheila Folio (Camden, 2021-01-31)


i don't see why they need a raise. if my out put bill can be more than my in take bill we have a problem. remind you not every drop of water i use goes down the drain!

Barb Watson (westson, 2021-01-31)


Poorly managed..

Wesley Donaldson (Weston , 2021-01-31)


Already higher than surrounding communities

Bryan Cutlip (Weston , 2021-01-31)


Having enough of hardships going through pandemic.Dont need to raise prices.

Susan Watson (Weston, 2021-02-01)


19% is a lot and already almost a shigh as my water...

Michael Ables (Weston, 2021-02-01)


Bills are already high enough. Yall are selfish. Think about the community and the people in it who are already struggling. We can't afford to pay you more right now.

Wendy Pullen (Weston, 2021-02-01)


Bills are high enough!

Teresa Fallon (Weston, 2021-02-01)


I can't afford any more increases.

Marty Lewis (Weston, 2021-02-01)


I’m signing because another increase in utility payments is killing the residents of Weston.

Connie Bailey (Weston, 2021-02-02)


The rates are not in need of being increased - we barely have flushing toilets and the smell is horrific yet they charge an outstanding amount and nothing gets better.

Tina Fornash (Weston, 2021-02-02)


Because it’s bullshit. Instead of continuously taxing the people of Weston, how about instead, you find ways to help them? Ahh, that doesn’t line pockets, got it!

Daniel Shaffer (Weston, 2021-02-02)


Because you guys ALWAYS try raising taxes at THE worst times possible! The federal government just nearly DOUBLED our tax rate from here out and you JUST raised taxes last year! NO! Do your jobs and stop digging in poverished pockets to cover your budget. DO YOUR JOBS.

Tyler Queen (JaneLew, 2021-02-02)


Because the increase during a pandemic is crazy. I have lived in many places and this is most corrupt little town. Pad those pockets for poor service.

Erin Collins (Weston, 2021-02-02)


Concerned for my new town of Weston. We didn't pay this much in clarksburg

Theresa Sears (Weston, 2021-02-02)


Utilities are high enough already it is becoming a hardship on a lot of people trying to survive. No reason to raise it during the worse time in our lives.

Glenda McCrary (Weston, 2021-02-02)


19% is outrageous!!!!

Beverly Metz (Weston , 2021-02-02)


I don't think our bills need to take an increase right now during this pandemic. People are having a rough enough time as it is.

Michael Lorentz (Weston, 2021-02-02)


The people of the county can’t shoulder the burden of higher water and sanitation bills. We also know that the rate increase wouldn’t go to improving the water and sewage lines, which badly need replaced.

Melody White (Weston , 2021-02-02)


I’m signing because I pay for waste water that does not flow through a meter.

Michelle Carpenter (Weston, 2021-02-02)


The current rate is already ridiculously high. We can’t afford higher bills right now.

Annette Young (Weston, 2021-02-02)


Cost of living not going up for those on fixed income. In the near future bills will cost more than peoples income. Ridiculous time for a rate increase.

Debbie Cook (Weston, 2021-02-02)


Because the price we pay is enough not only are more and more bills being raise but people have been bled to death . Have you heard we are going through a pandemic people have lost jobs

Anita Droppleman (Weston, 2021-02-02)


It's another form of lying and corruption within our community that is not to be necessary (06232001)

Russell / Ky Johnson (Weston, 2021-02-02)


The rates for usage of sewage in comparison to the rates and charges for water usage is unbalanced. The charge for sewer is high enough as it is.
There are never any lines repairs done for homes with issues throughout Weston. My husband and I spent $5000.00 to repair our sewer lines to and across the street to connect to the main sewer lines behind our house. The main line needed flushed because there was build up and sludge in the line. The proprietor of the business that did our repair work was told the truck was broke down when he called the Sanitary Board to come flush it out. We did our part by paying our bill and installing new line, when are these main lines going to be repaired and flushed regularly. It’s unreasonable to expect customers to do their part doing line repair and paying monthly bills, when you want increase in rate and you are not doing your part.

Kimberley Feather (Weston , 2021-02-03)


I feel that the rates we pay are already much higher than other cities with much higher populations. The running cost and upkeep should be audited and solutions on how to maintain and run the sanitation system should be presented. I don’t feel that it is the users job to pay for lack of management and upkeep.

Andy Blake (Weston , 2021-02-03)


I feel we are being charged enough rates and alot of people aren't evening working and haven't been ..we are being charged redicilious amounts for the services we receive.

Linda Arbogast (Weston, 2021-02-03)


I’m a current customer of the Weston Sanitary Board and am against the increase due to the bill already being higher than any city I’ve lived in. This includes much bigger municipalities like Huntington and Charleston.

Brandi Losh Gillespie (Westoon, 2021-02-03)


I'd say it's obvious why I'd sign.

Lisa Moody (Weston, 2021-02-03)


Roger bragg

Roger Bragg (Weston , 2021-02-03)


it is high enough now. cannot afford an increase.

Patricia Bohan (Weston, 2021-02-03)


This is way to big of increase. Here we are in a pandemic people are out if work or their hours have been cut . Laying this on them is cruel .

Rick Wentz (Weston, 2021-02-03)


This is not the right time to increase anything during a pandemic

Joshua Droppleman (Weston, 2021-02-03)


Rates are high enough

Bryan Radcliff (WESTON, 2021-02-03)


I'm a customer n i feel it's high enough

Mary Metz (Weston, 2021-02-03)


Every utility company just raises the prices and thinks everyone gets annual pay raises every year! When in fact a lot of people do not get pay raises annually.

Scott Mayo (Weston , 2021-02-03)


It already cost enough and the pipes are not even worked on .. Many pumping issues .. We have enough to pay

Valerie Medeiros (Weston, 2021-02-03)


Unfair for Weston citizens

Desiree Hurley (Weston, 2021-02-03)


Concerned citizen, tired of being taking advantage of, plain & simple.

Michael Fisher (Weston, 2021-02-03)


The rate increase for the sewage is ridiculous. It is almost higher then the water bill. No consideration is ever given to the fact not all water usage is a sewage usage as well. Examples, watering your lawn, filling a swimming pool, washing your car or spraying your house off. Not to mention the water that is consumed daily. That water never goes into the sewer system yet we pay as if it did.

Gary Sprouse (Weston, 2021-02-03)


There has been so much unemployment and hardships, sewage hasn’t changed in any way in the sense that they still get paid their bills are paid. Why put more hardship on we the people?

Betty Brown (Weston, 2021-02-03)


I’m signing because I’m poor.

Carmen Shafer (Weston, 2021-02-03)


To much money.people are poor.

Sandra Bowman (Weston, 2021-02-03)


Our bills are pretty high to begin with, and that is an awfully large increase.

Patricia Weir (Weston, 2021-02-03)


I am signing because there is no need for an increase in rates. They need to use the monies already given

Deborah Harris (Weston, 2021-02-03)


The rate increase is unacceptable.

Nathan West (Weston , 2021-02-03)


16 Center Avenue Weston, WV
I am signing because this increase in the midst of the pandemic and the struggling public is absolutely horrible and without any compassion for the community.

Jill Stewart (Weston, 2021-02-03)


The hike is excessive and overreaching. It’s the poor planning and even worse reckless spending of past administrations and management that has led to this and those that can least afford it are having to pay for those sins of the city.

Stephen Weaver (Weston , 2021-02-03)


I’m signing because I already pay $150 for water and sewage per month. That is an outrageous amount to pay. It needs to stop.

Tracy Burgr (Weston, 2021-02-03)


I think we pay enough now

Thelma Bennett (Weston, 2021-02-03)


I own property that uses this service.

Eugenia Rexroad (Weston, 2021-02-03)


I do not agree with the increase and only 1% of it being used to put in new piping. We have raw sewage flooding our town. Not to mention the smells from it polluting so many city businesses.

Misty Simons (Weston, 2021-02-03)


Redickulous, how about fixing the sewer first and then ask for the raise. People in Shadybrook are sick of the sewer backing up!!

Rebecca Hale (Weston, 2021-02-03)


No increase!

Lois Linger (Weston, 2021-02-03)


339 Court Ave

Autumn Lester (Weston, 2021-02-03)


After years of issues, less than great service, you expect people who are already struggling to pay more during a national crisis??

Ashley West (Weston , 2021-02-03)


I am signing because the increase is to much

WILLIAM CRITCHFIELD (Buckhannon, 2021-02-03)


We can not afford increases on any of our utility bills. Our paychecks arent increasing but everything from gas, groceries to utilities are and we simply can't afford the continued increases.

Kista Allman (Weston, 2021-02-04)


We pay too much the way it is. Water bill went up which means sewage goes up as well

Shirley Shaffer (Weston, 2021-02-04)


I’m signing this because it is ridiculous that the City has the right to approve the rate increase for themselves. If approved it should have to be voted. Everyone is having enough issues during this pandemic before rate increases, and then most of it isn’t even going for upgrades.

Amber Conrad (Weston , 2021-02-05)


This is an unreasonable and burdensome increase.

Andrea Clem (WESTON, 2021-02-06)

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