

Podpisuję, ponieważ przeciwko przemocy.

Galina Puninskaya (Słupsk, 2020-09-15)


Because I want to live in this country.

Sergey Karpishuk (Brest, 2020-09-15)


I live in Belarus

Andrew Denischich (Minsk, 2020-09-15)


Виновник преступлений против белорусского народа и человечности должен понести справедливое наказание

Людмила Степанюк (Малорита, 2020-09-15)


I'm signing because of multiple crimes against humanity, recently committed by self-proclaimed “president” of the Republic of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko

Maria Kozlova (Minsk, 2020-09-15)


I signed this petition because I am against violence, torture, lawlessness and violation of basic human rights.

Дина Долговульская (Moscow, 2020-09-15)


I fed up with this situation here in Minsk and I am tired to be scared

Marina Shamonina (Minsk, 2020-09-15)


The former president of Republic of Belarus lost in the presidential elections 2020 and captured the authority by violent means and committed genocide of belarusian nation

Ruslan Elkin (Gomel, 2020-09-15)


Я за свободу и справедливость

Степан Архипович (Гродно, 2020-09-15)


Сситаю Лукашенко Александра Григорьевича преступником и узурпатором власти, палачом белорусского народа.

Олег Янукович (Минск, 2020-09-15)


Against the violence!
For fair elections!

Yulia Vongueva (Minsk, 2020-09-15)


Я подписываю петицию против насилия и диктатуры в нашей стране. Мы, Беларуский народ, хотим жить в свободной стране.

Чирвинская Анжелика (Минск , 2020-09-15)


I'm signing because I am living in Belarus and I see what is happening right now here.

Konstantin Romanovsky (Minsk, 2020-09-15)


I signing in to this petition because I am against violence and torture, because I know very well how destructive the Lukashenko`s regime is not only for Belarus, but for the whole world.

Rivka TUNICK (LEEDS, 2020-09-15)


I cannot distance myself when the country turns into a dystopia and the law switches by the request of one person.

Илья Гончарик (Minsk, 2020-09-15)


I'm signing here because I suport truth, honesty and freedom and I am against violence, brutality and fraud from Lukashenka's side.

Julia Mazur (Warsaw , 2020-09-15)


Остановите диктаторский режим и унижение белорусского народа! Господи, помоги!

Виктория Алексеюк (Минск, 2020-09-15)


Я за мир во всем мире!

Perov Yaroslav (Tsarichanka, 2020-09-15)


Want to safe my country and peaceful people, to stop fascism of Lukashenko

Helena Migal (Minsk , 2020-09-15)


Bad lukashenko , killer

Trener Asinchanka (Brest, 2020-09-15)


To support the Belarusian people and to stop the violence of the state authorities there

Vladimir Kachugin (Meerbusch, 2020-09-15)


Against violence and dictatorship in Belarus

Katsiaryna Melnikava (Gomel , 2020-09-15)


I’m singing because I want freedom for Belarusian people. They should have honest and free from fraud new election.
Lukashenko has to be sued by Gaag tribunal.

Rinat Mustafin (Vancouver BC, 2020-09-15)

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