Reduce the 12 month minimum between two votes of no confidence in Tory leader to 3 months



I'm signing because Theresa May's failed leadership is destroying the party and her promises can longer be trusted. This is reflecting badly on the party and could lead to a Corbyn government which would be disastrous.

(Birmingham, 2019-04-11)


TM is destroying the party.

(Southery, 2019-04-11)


The PM is the most duplicitous, weak and traitorous person ever to hold her appointment. She has failed at every turn and must be removed.

(Devizes, 2019-04-11)


I believe Mrs May is damaging the national interest and should be removed from office.

(Gravesend, 2019-04-11)


The party and the country need new leadership as a matter of urgency resulting in an early conclusion to our overdue departure from the EU.

(Dorchester, 2019-04-11)


We desperately need a new leader, a Brexit person to uphold the referendum result. The future of our country depends upon it.

(Sheffield, 2019-04-11)


The PM has proved to be a dangerous sociopath and has to go.

(Buxton, 2019-04-11)


You have continually kicked the can down the road with your awful deal. The final humiliation was asking Corbyn for help. That is not leadership, you are destroying the party.

(Norwich, 2019-04-11)


Theresa May has ignored the manifesto commitments re Brexit and is leading the party to destruction.

(St Albans, 2019-04-11)


Theresa May has utterly betrayed the referendum vote and is driving this Party into the ground. MPs seem to wish to do nothing. Conservative voters on the doorstep are furious. She must go.

(York, 2019-04-11)


Enough's Enough. Signing this petition may prove to be a futile action, but perhaps that's all we have left.

(Potters Bar, 2019-04-11)


We need to be able to remove a Prime Minister that appears to be working against the good of the country. We have a Prime Minister working with the opposition, I did not vote Conservative to allow the Labour party to also take control. We have a Prime Minister who is going against what was voted for and needs removed before she can do anymore damage to our country and our Party.

(Angus, 2019-04-11)


To remove Theresa May and install a Brexit believing PM

(Hillingdon, 2019-04-11)


I believe in certain circumstances it is necessary to be able to remove a leader that is not carrying out the pledges they've made to the membership

(wrexham, 2019-04-11)


Theresa May's feeble, dreary, and dishonest tenure as leader has put the Conservatives and the country on course for disaster. Those MPs who have kept her in place need to wake up and act now if we are to avoid Prime Minister Corbyn.

(London, 2019-04-11)


I voted to leave the EU. Leave means leave. No customs union. Just leave. If the EU refuses to negotiate trade agreement before we depart, then tough! May constantly procrastinates in her remainer's efforts to keep us locked into the protection racket dictatorship. We need to be lead by somebody who will honour the referendum result and command the respect not just of party members, but the wider public. GO NOW THERESA.

(london, 2019-04-11)


It has become self evident that the Prime Ministers loyalties do not lie with the Conservative Party or with the voters who voted for the party on the promise it would deliver Brexit. She is fearless when fighting against her Pro Brexit colleagues and timid when confronting either the EU or the Remain establishment. She has behaved dishonorably and disingenuously to Brexit colleagues whilst allowing the Remain rump within the Conservative Party free reign to run wild in their efforts to undermine Brexit. She is either complicit or complacent in the failure to deliver Brexit. She has to go now.

(Barry, 2019-04-11)


This woman is destroying the country

(Worcester, 2019-04-11)


Unless the Conservative Party ensures we leave the EU by way of a clean Brexit then I fear Mrs May may be the last ever elected Tory PM and that Labour will form the next Government in alliance with the SDP/PC and possibly even SF (with Corbyn arranging for SF to waive pledging allegiance to the Crown).

(Assington, Suffolk, 2019-04-11)


Its in the best interests of the country to have a new Prime Minister and possibly a general election. The Referendum must be honoured.

(Lincolnshire, 2019-04-11)


I am disgusted with the behaviour of Theresa May. She is trampling on democracy. She needs to be removed.

(Bexley, 2019-04-11)


May has to resign

(Nottingham, 2019-04-11)


To remove incompetent PM

(Banbury, 2019-04-11)


TM and her stupid intransigence is the biggest disaster this once great party has ever experienced. This party was once one of the bedrocks of our society but it is heading for monumental defeats at every election coming up and it risks us being out of power for the next 30 years allowing the quasi-marxist threat to fully materialise even though Labour themselves are riven with factions. A great number of our MPs have behaved disgracefully and should never be involved in UK politics again if it wasn't for the threat of the Corbynistas - even though we need those traitorous Remainer MPs to be re-elected just to keep Corby out theyshould never hold high office again, the most traitorous of whom is the PM herself. I have absolutely no confidence whatsoever in anything she says or does apart from the fear that she still has the power to impose a deal on the country that none of us want - we need her removed as our PM and as Party leader a.s.a.p so this petition gets my vote.

(Daventry, 2019-04-11)


I’m signing because the PM is doing irreparable damage to the party. Her refusal to deliver brexit, her capitulation to the EU and remainer parliament are but a few examples at how bad her tenure has been. She must go.

(Stansted, 2019-04-11)


we need a dynamic leader who must be an original brexiteer.

(Farnham, 2019-04-11)


May is a traitor

(London, 2019-04-11)


I want Mrs May to resign immediately

(Brompton Ralph, 2019-04-11)


Am disgusted about her leadership on Brexit To disrespect the wishes of 17 million leave voters and humiliated the country

(Peterborough, 2019-04-11)


I am signing this petition as Mrs May is the most ineffective and useless Prime Minister i have known in my lifetime and who is totally incapable of implementing the Brexit i voted for all those months ago

(Doncaster, 2019-04-11)


We should be able to hold EVERY PM, MP or Minister to account. Each and EVERY TIME they act in a discreditable way.

(Stockport, 2019-04-11)


I want Theresa May removed as leader of the Conservative Party.

(Newcastle under Lyme, 2019-04-11)


It is high time that Mrs. May was removed so that she can be replaced by someone who truly believes in delivering on the 2016 referendum result.

(Peterborough, 2019-04-11)


We need a fresh start with a new leader.

(Malton, 2019-04-11)


At times of public crisis, we cannot have a blanket policy with no 'emergency option' preventing necessary change when there is overwhelming support. In fact a non-confidence vote should be possible at any time should a minimum support threshold be reached.

(Chard, 2019-04-11)


I demand that the pm Teresa May step down immediately she has not done as promised !!!

(London, 2019-04-11)


I'm sick of Theresa May humiliating this country.

(Suffolk, 2019-04-11)


She doesn't seem to realise her deal is a bad deal which is why it has been voted down 3 times. No Deal is better than a bad deal is what she said so act on it now!

(Taunton, 2019-04-11)


As Mrs May said, 'No Deal is better than a bad deal'. However, she did not mean this. She is a liar.

(Studley, 2019-04-11)



(liverpool, 2019-04-11)


Theresa May has been lying to the nation in claiming she has been working for a UK Brexit. She has surrounded herself with fellow remain confidants and does not have the intellectual or moral capacity to deliver what the majority of UK voters demanded. Sovereignty was ceded to the people in the referendum and she has been working to prevent this since she has been PM. NO MORE. SHE MUST GO NOW.

(Ashtead, 2019-04-11)


The state of the government and the Conservative Party is an absolute embarrassment. The status of this country is rock bottom. we have never been so badly ruled.

(Colchester, 2019-04-11)


Theresa May is a complete disaster, and is now actively working to break the Manifesto commitments on which she and all other Conservative MPs were elected. She must go now.

(London, 2019-04-11)


Theresa May needs to go. And take her appalling surrender document with her! The leader needs to be someone who believes in this country and a genuine Brexiteer.

(Nottingham, 2019-04-11)


I am signing because PM Theresa May has brought into disrepute the country, Parliament and the Conservative Party.

(Angmering, 2019-04-11)


She is not doing what the people asked

(Halifax, 2019-04-11)


She has split the conservative party and it has ruined their chances of being re-elected for decades to come

(Stourbridge, 2019-04-11)


May had no intention of taking Great Britain out of the EU, she is an EU stooge, she has lied and betrayed 17.4 million people, the traitor needs sacking and should never again be in power at any level

(Spennymoor, 2019-04-11)


Prime Minister Theresa May has broken the conservative manifesto, she promised we would leave the EU, on March 29 and has now extended that date until October 31st. Betrayal 17.4 million voters, she also said No Deal is Better Than a Bad Deal and her Deal Is a Bad Deal. So we should now leave with No deal.

(Liverpool, 2019-04-11)


Mrs May has ceded far too much to the EU and will continue to do so in any future negotiations she plans to lead. This, together with her disregard for our democratic vote and the continued promulgation of the appalling withdrawal agreement question seriously her leadership capabilities.

(st albans, 2019-04-11)


Because pm is blatantly avoiding a democratic vote

(FALMOUTH, 2019-04-11)


Because I am disgusted by the way our country is being run - a tory voter of 40 years, but never again!

(West Midlands, 2019-04-11)


The prime minister is inept, lies and is a weak leader.
Someone who believes in brexit should be the pm.

(Bingley, 2019-04-11)


I want out

(Brighton, 2019-04-11)


Teresa may Is unfit to govern

(CORBY, 2019-04-11)


The PM will not listen, will not admit that her deal will not deliver a proper Brexit

(Taunton, 2019-04-11)


Theresa May has to go

(Tredegar, 2019-04-11)


The WA is NOT a good deal. Theresa May is out of her depth and acting like a dictator. She is destroying grass root support and betraying all those that voted Leave.

(Manchester, 2019-04-11)


Shes a cunt

(Manchester, 2019-04-11)


May is a gross embarrassment to the country and she has kept none of the promises she made. We need a new leader and a fresh start.

(Buxton, 2019-04-11)


T. May should go

(Portrush, 2019-04-11)


We desperately need to change leader and the Mrs May successfully navigating the no confidence vote in December has now allowed her to carry on with impunity, riding roughshod over party policy and the views of the membership.

(Bolton, 2019-04-11)


Mrs May is undoubtedly the worst PM in my living memory (and there have been some bad ones) She is a constant liar and is betraying the democratic vote of the people. If she stays, the Con.Party is toast and deservedly so. So she will ruin not only her party, but the country as well because the Labour Party, under the odious Mr Corbyn, will triumph.

(Scarborough, 2019-04-11)


I have no confidence in the actions of mrs May I voted to leave the eu not to deal with them period !

(BASILDON, 2019-04-11)


May is subverting the Democratic vote to Leave the EU.

(Wallington, 2019-04-11)


She is trying to stop brexit from happening

(Worthing, 2019-04-11)


I have no confidence in Mrs May. The PM is proving to be a disaster for the Conservative party and the country. She is a national and international embarrassment. It is probably too late to recover from the damage already done but removal now could prevent the complete annihilation of this once great party.

(bristol, 2019-04-11)


Teresa may is a disgrace not only to her party but a disgrace to the UK and democracy.

(Leicester, 2019-04-11)


Fed up with her incompetence and lies.

(Cardiff, 2019-04-11)


Theresa May is an example of why this is now a necessity. More than a quarter of the parliamentary party has no confidence in her. The party is losing members at a fast rate because of her poor leadership. Brexit means Brexit, and No Deal is better than her very bad deal.

(Chichester, 2019-04-11)


If the Party does not do something about the leadership soon, it will have lost all credibility. Members, the constituents, the public: everyone lied to again and again.

(Budleigh Salterton, 2019-04-11)


Our Prime Minister has lied and broken her promises. To make matters worse she is colluding with Labour! These are not leadership qualities!!

(Wells, 2019-04-11)


I believe Theresa May is unfit to be PM. She has reneged on her promises repeatedly and is destroying the Conservative Party.

(Manchester1, 2019-04-11)


the PM has made a complete mess of brexit --- she is a remainer and has done everything possible to undermine the referendum result

(wigton, 2019-04-11)


A PM who promises to honour the referendum and lies is not the kind of PM I want

(Morpeth, 2019-04-11)


This needs to happen straight away

(Sidcup, 2019-04-11)


It's time we replaced this PM due to her incompetence in not carrying out the result of the referendum and under current rules we cannot ditch her.

(Cardiff, 2019-04-11)


I am disgusted by the treachery the government has placed upon the Citizens of this Country

(Manchester, 2019-04-11)


Theresa May is an abomination we need a leaver in place she is killing the CONservative party.

(Braintree, 2019-04-11)