Arrest Justin Trudeau and Liberal MPs for TREASON immediately.



I do not agree with the things Trudeau has done.. he needs to step down immediately

(Prince George , 2018-12-16)


We’ve had enough of this pos taking away our rights time for us to put on the yellow vests and go find him and hang him

(Sparwood , 2018-12-16)


I want the liberals and all responsible for demoshing our country to such a disgrace

(Weyburn, 2018-12-16)


I oppose the UN and anything they do and stand for. I oppose open migration policies. I oppose Trudeau and all the liberals traitorous policies!

(Medicine Hat , 2018-12-16)


Any leader of a country who does NOT put the safety, welfare , freedom and rights...its traditions and values ahead of everything and everyone else is a traitor to their country. And I believe JustinTrudeau has committed dozens if acts of treason against Canada and it's NATURAL citizens.

(Calgary, 2018-12-16)


I’m signing because Trudeau is not looking out for this country or it’s people. He’s doing things for his own agenda and immaturity. He is an humiliating and insulting hypocrite.

(Duncan, 2018-12-16)


Trudeau should be arrested for High Treason of Canada.

(Brandon , 2018-12-16)


Trudeau is destroying Canada and is not taking Care of Canadians. He is sending money to other countries not only he is bringing in terrorists to Canada putting our lives at risk.

(Brandon , 2018-12-16)


I cannot stand another day of the treasonous turdhole

(Standard, 2018-12-16)


I have no confidence in the Liberal government. Justin Turdeau is a traitor and needs to be charged as such and the libral governemtn removed entirely. Our RCMP have a duty to perform, or they need to be kicked out of the force.

(Fort St. John, 2018-12-16)


He is simply going to ruin this country, he won’t stop until we have no say left. The charter of rights and freedoms has been tampered with by this terrorist. Send him to jail along with his liberal allies.!! Canadians, stand together or we are done for. !!!

(Medicine Hat , 2018-12-16)


Because Canada is being betrayed. Canadians are being bullied and considered less Canadian then the people coming here !

(Edmonton , 2018-12-16)


I'm tired of Trudeau destroying our beautiful country. He's a Canada hating traitor.

(Coldstream, 2018-12-16)


I believe Treason has been committed

(Donnacona, 2018-12-16)


He should be arrested

(Wallaceburg , 2018-12-16)


Because we live in Canada not the UN

(Haywood,Manitoba, 2018-12-16)


Trudeau is deliberately endangering Canadians lives and the lives of future Canadians. Open borders welcome uncontrolled disease and destruction of society. Trudeau must be held accountable.

(Duck Lake, 2018-12-16)


This ******* needs to be charged with treason!!!

(Surrey, 2018-12-16)


I do not want the UN migration
I do not want carbon tax
I do not want Trudeau destroying Canada
I do want Canadians to be safe and to have a say in big decisions that impact our lives and safety

(Sussex, 2018-12-16)


Justin Trudeau is selling out Canada from under the people. Justin Trudeau is endangering the lives of all working class, poor, elderly and our veterens.

(Kitchener, 2018-12-16)


Our country needs to be saved

(Rocky Mountain House, 2018-12-16)


Trudeau belong in jail

(Labradorcity , 2018-12-16)


Justin Trudeau is deliberately destroying Canada and is taking away Canadians’ Human Rights

(Battleford , 2018-12-16)


Breaking the law. Treason

(Bienfait, 2018-12-16)


Justin Trudeau is a terrorist

(Langley , 2018-12-16)


I have 5 daughters and so far, 5 granddaughters. This has to happen before Trudeau harms more Canadians.

(Sundre , 2018-12-16)


I believe our current prime minister has denied Canadian citizens the security and sovereignty that is our right. By signing the UN pact, my children are endangered. The refusal to lead the pipeline deal, has grossly damaged the security of Canadians. The publicized alignment with governmental agencies of other countries without the approval of the majority of Canadians is treasonous.
I believe the Prime Minister has not acted for Canadians but has sought to better his own personal interests.

(Sundre , 2018-12-16)


The liberial goverment are tratiors and need to be removed from everything

(Hamilton, 2018-12-16)


Trudeau needs to be convicted of treason immediately

(Moncton, 2018-12-16)


I'm watching my country being destroyed by these traitors period. They deserve the charge of treason 100 %.

(Antigonish , 2018-12-16)


Trudeau needs to be removed

(Mississauga, 2018-12-16)


Justin Trudeau gave our rights away without proper authority to do so He is supplying our tax dollars to known terrorist groups. I want him charged for all the crimes He is committing while in office.

(Assiniboia, 2018-12-16)


I am signing the petition because Trudeau has done nothing but bad for this country. He ruined Alberta’s economy and the whole of Canada. He left Canada vulnerable to Muslim and Islamic extremist groups like Isis and so on so forth.

(Red Deer, 2018-12-16)


I want trudeau and all his associates who have participated or engineered any act of treason or crime against the people of this country to pay with the fullest extent of the law.

(Canal flats, 2018-12-16)


Trudeau needs to go worst pm in our canadian history.

(Medicine Hat , 2018-12-16)


Trudeau should not lead Canada.

(Toronto, 2018-12-16)


Trudeau And Gerald Butt’s Need To Be Arrested For Treason, And Many More Crimes!!!!!

(Medicine Hat, Alberta , 2018-12-16)


It’s true he’s breaking the law

(Whitecourt , 2018-12-16)


I’m signing because Trudeau and his liberal lackies have done basically everything in their power to destroy Canada and make Canada a part of a one world government. This is being done as we read and type each day. The fact that he signed away Canada’s sovereignty to the UN is a straight up sign of treason. And he should and his liberal party members should all be charged to the absolute fullest extent of the law. Trudeau is a criminal and a isis supporter and a Lin Islamist. These things go against evertlyrhing Canada stands for.

(Wainwright, 2018-12-16)


Charge him with Treason.

(Fort St John, 2018-12-16)


Canada is hurting and shortly will be agonizing. We need to stop the economic implosion and destruction of our country.

(Sainte-Julienne, 2018-12-16)


I’m tired of being attacked by my government!

(Lethbridge, 2018-12-16)


Trudeau is not what he is supposed to be as priminister, the acts committed by him show this. He needs to step down, as that's what he does to Canada and Canadians, let's then down and destroys the country and the people.

(Blackfalds, Ab, 2018-12-16)


Canadians come first. We deserve a better life in Canada. Most Canadians are living to work with very little to zero in savings due to taxes and high costs of living. We are owed a better life first before bringing in other humans that will cost our country and tax payers more and be placed first in line for hand outs.

(Edmonton , 2018-12-16)


Justin and the rest of the liberals are not above the law.

(Fillmore , 2018-12-16)


Im signing because i think trudo should be charged with treason and i do not like what he has been doin to our country

(Big valley, 2018-12-16)


I’m tired of a corrupt pm

(Fort St. John , 2018-12-16)


I am tired of watching Justin Trudeau ruin Canada.

(edmonton, 2018-12-16)


We the people must hold our politicians accountable

(Ste Anne , 2018-12-16)


Trudeau is ruining my country

(Grande prairie , 2018-12-16)


I am appalled by what Trudeau and the Liberals are doing to this great country of Canada!

(Edmonton , 2018-12-16)


Justin Trudeau is a criminal And needs to be stopped...

(Edmonton, 2018-12-16)


Justine Trudeau has done more damage to this country then any other PM before him and it’s time he pays for his treason to Canada and Canadians.

(Nampa, 2018-12-16)


We need a new government badly and our energy sector here in Alberta needs to go back to normal

(Red deer , 2018-12-16)


Too many reasons to list

(Kamloops, 2018-12-16)


I want Canada back

(Winnipeg, 2018-12-16)


Trudeau is a traitor

(Red deer, 2018-12-16)


This pm is in violation of violating every canadian citizens charter of rights and freedoms

(Quesnel bc, 2018-12-16)


Sick and tired of trudeau destroying our beautiful country.

(Medicine Hat, 2018-12-16)


I am signing this petition because as per the comments made by a UN member on this Agreement, I don't wish for Canada to become a 3rd world county allowing multi national corporations to dictate the laws of MY land and I believe that it is treason for Trudeau to even think that he can sign away my sovereign rights with out due process.

(Onoway, 2018-12-16)


I want the migration cancelled!!!
And the Carbon Tax stuck right up JT's butt sideways.

(Eďmonton, 2018-12-16)


Trudeau and his liberal members have betrayed Canada and all Canadians

(Breton, 2018-12-16)


Both my grandpa's fought for Canada in ww2 and sacrificed 5 years of their young life for this country. They loved it as much as I do. I can't stand to see it destroyed in 4 short years by this traitor. He MUST be STOPPED.

(Tomahawk Ab, 2018-12-16)


Trudeau has to go he is rapidly destroying Canada.

(RICHIBUCTO ROAD, 2018-12-16)


Justin Trudeau is trying to erase our Canadian culture. Not to mention trying to destroy our economy by blocking pipelines. All of Trudeau’s treacherous actions are by design. He is purposely trying to devastate the working class, alienate western Canada, and take away our culture that we are so proud of. He and his liberals will also label anyone who is proud of our culture and heritage a “racist”. Justin Trudeau is dangerous and an absolute embarrassment to Canada. He must be stopped. Please VOTE in the upcoming election!

(Vermilion, 2018-12-16)


I disagree with the actions of our government

(Fort Saskatchewan, 2018-12-16)


The liberals are criminals and should be in prison

(Acton, 2018-12-16)


Trudope has made Canada an unsafe country he’s trying to stuff oneworld government on us
He’s not doing Canada wishes hehas his own agenda to destroy Canada as we know it
I hate him

(Wainwright , 2018-12-16)


Because I won the Canada to stay strong and free without politician like Justin Trudeau destroying our country

(Calgary , 2018-12-16)


To whom this may concern:
I have asked over and over again, why not one MP on any side of Politics has not called Treason on Justin Trudeau, and his Islamic ISIS Associated Liberal Associates?
Harbouring and helping the enemy is treason!
He should be called on it!
Treason is a crime, against a Nation, ours!
He should be Judged, should he not?

(Prince George, 2018-12-16)


I support this action!

(Town of Whitby, 2018-12-16)


He is making my country a disgrace. We are supposed to be a democracy but he’s killing us. He was voted into look after the people of Canada not destroy us

(Simcoe , 2018-12-16)


Trudeau does not have the authority to make these changes on behalf of the people of Canada. We did not vote to give away those rights and he did not run on that platform. By not putting it to a vote he has now committed treason.

(Edmonton, 2018-12-16)


I am signing because i don't BELIEVE trudeau has Canada's best interest. I BELIEVE he is destorying Canada .I will not agree to the signing of U.N agreement. I BELIEVE trudeau is spending the tax payers money very irresponsibility. I BELIEVE he should be removed from parliament, and put in jail. I BELIEVE he is the
Worst prime minister in the history

(Redwater , 2018-12-16)


I am losing my culture and security in Canada. The immigration policies of this govt. are insane and scary. Please take another look at Germany and Britain, and see how Muslims fanatics are taking control of those countries. Are you blind to what is happening in these countries?

(Kelowna, 2018-12-16)



(Kitchener, 2018-12-16)


Justin Trudeau is commiting Treason and has proved multiple times he is a Traitor to Canada! Hes is trying to rig the election to get re-elected!

(Kitchener, 2018-12-16)


This idiot we have running our country has destroyed it in favour of the NWO and his Muslim buddies

(Elkhorn, 2018-12-16)


Justin Trudeau is destroying Canada as we know it , I fear for my grandchildren

(Creston , 2018-12-16)


I’m signing because I love my country and I’m concerned about our children’s future

(Maple creek , 2018-12-16)


It is crazy what this government has done to this country and is doing more and more every day. It is criminal what they have done and are doing and deserve a life time in jail.

(Regina, 2018-12-16)


I would like to see Trudeau and his liberal party members tried for treason

(Red Deer County, 2018-12-16)


When you break the law you are accountable for your own actions!
Doesn’t matter if your a rich piece of shit of a prime minister

(Didsbury , 2018-12-16)


I'm signing because I do not want to see Canada go up in flames.

(Surrey, 2018-12-16)


Trudeau is a traitor. He belongs in jail.
We are not safe with him as PM

(Airdrie, 2018-12-16)


Justintrudeau is a criminal

(Guelph, 2018-12-16)


I cannot afford trudeau and his liberals! I want him held accountable for what he is subjecting us to while him, his family, his children and his political crooks are protected! Shame on trudeau for punishing hard working canadians! Treason! He is no better than the communist regime against which i participated during the velvet revolution.

(Surrey, 2018-12-16)


I believe Justin Trudeau have been bought by special interest groups & is a traitor to the crown

(Edmonton, 2018-12-16)


He is sick he need to get treatement for mental illness!!

(Val des monts, 2018-12-16)


trudeau is destroying canada ,and he is putting us in danger ,he is not working for us ,but against us , and he use's our tax dollars like their his personal piggy bank , he brakes laws like they don't apply to him , he is a dictator with severe mental problems .

(Pt Coquitlam, 2018-12-16)


Trudeau is a Globalist Puppet and must be stopped. The people of Canada must protect our sovereign country.

(Winnipeg , 2018-12-16)


He’s a criminal

(Kelowna , 2018-12-16)


I am Canadian and I stand up for what is right for my country

(Red Deer, 2018-12-16)


Hate Trudeau

(Winnipeg, 2018-12-16)


need a real leader like what we had with Harper

(Duncan, 2018-12-16)


We love our country !

(Airdrie, 2018-12-16)


I am sick of the liberals tryiny to destroy this country

(Calmar, 2018-12-16)


Just not ready was the understatement, never was or will be!
Turdo is a complete jack ass and direct threat to every real Canadian.
His obsession with Islam, transgender bullshit, gay parades , billions paid in foreign aid , carbon tax while true Canadians suffer and watch in disbelief at this idiots actions!
His immigration policeys of UN mandate is bullshit and unacceptable, people need a vote on this topic!
Turdo is a poofter and gropper, unworthy of the position he was given.
He must be made accountable for everything he has done and is doing!!

(Creston, 2018-12-16)