Investigation and Prosecution of Those Individuals Responsible for Crimes Against Humanity



I have been working as an Advocate for Human Rights in Australia for many years and STAND alongside others throughout the world against these mandates, lockdowns, passports & Tyranny.

Michele Glacken (NORTH WARD, 2021-10-25)


It's time to stop this madness from taking over our lives. Vaccines are not the solution as proposed and propagandaized . We need answers , clear investigations , effective medication paths for a way out of this mess.

Hao Yi Loh (Singapore, 2021-10-25)


The evidence is overwhelming. Our system needs change. Money without debt and interest.

Damien Hills (Tralee, 2021-10-25)


Medical tyranny , coercion and no informed consent

Kathleen Walsh (Harrow, 2021-10-25)


I want to see justice for millions who have and/or will die or be disabled by these illegal, totalitarian mandates (human experiments). I'd also like to see the liars and profiteers hang for crimes against humanity. (big pharma, Fouchi, WHO, NIH, etc.) Politicians and the media who knowingly misled or regurgitated talking points while pretending to be journalists should also hang as they did after the N trials.

Lawrence Collins (HEWITT, 2021-10-25)


From day one of this madness, I have watched as ever more draconian measures were introduced to control us, and by people who have not the right to control us, and have seen with dismay, the devastation it is causing. It must be stopped, and I must do anything I can for this to happen.

Margaret Allan (Blyth, 2021-10-25)


The whole spread of COVID, lockdown, mandatory "deadly" vaccinations even to children, vaccine passports is a worldwide genocide, killing & hurting the human race physically & mentally! People involved MUST BE TRIALED!

Vincent Wong (Toronto, 2021-10-25)


Es lo correcto para detener esta barbaridad.

Eduardo Amantini (CABA, 2021-10-25)


I insist on stopping these crimes against humanity and democracy.

Lenka Haničáková (Kobylisy (okres Hlavní město Praha), 2021-10-25)


I firmly believe that there is proof of Treason by many organisations and individuals around the world that have to be prosecuted to the full letter of the laws.

Fritz Batzke (Moranbah, 2021-10-25)


Because I feel that the American people have been misled and lied to.

Brian Savage (Raleigh, 2021-10-25)


It's the right thing to do

Jozef Gulka (Diviacka Nova Ves 176, 2021-10-25)


Things are obviously not being done in the best interest of We the People. No one should be forced to do anything that could kill them without all the information first. Too much politics in Science. Too much money involved and not enough facts.

Michelle Simmons (Hattiesburg, 2021-10-25)


Violating human rights protected by the Constitution of the Czech republic and at the same time ignoring decissions of the Constitutional court is moraly unacceptable.
We, the citizens, therefore demand just investigation of the contemporary polices unparelled since 1945.

Tomáš Bušta (Kladno, 2021-10-25)


Goverment of Slovakia are Murders, Despotics, Drugg Addicted Persons, Plagiators, who steal his nation the free humanity rights and are lying with affected numbers of Covid illness numbers.

Branislav Bradle (Bratislava, 2021-10-25)


The goverment and the media need to held to account

Steven Olding (LONDON, 2021-10-25)


Stop the totalitarianism

Ladislav Korinek (Kralupy nad Vltavou, 2021-10-25)


I’m signing because my future is out of reach. The beginning of the great awaking must begin. Prosecution of all those who have pushed this totalitarian new world order must be stopped. They are destroying human kind for the cost of greed.
I will fight standing up to the death

Sean Mardell (Melbourne, 2021-10-25)


This has to stop now for freedom which our grandparents died for & our children deserve in a true democracy

Jayne Eastlake (Cowbridge , 2021-10-25)


I believe the release of the virus and the development of the vaccines were meant to slowly decimate the population of the world, which is a heinous crime against humanity! The mandates are beyond evil! This must stop now!

Cathy Gerster (Ramsey, 2021-10-25)


bla bla

sylvia philips (Spijkenisse, 2021-10-25)


No more people need to die.This horror needs to be stopped!

Heather Marco (St.George-Brant, 2021-10-25)


It is obvious that facts and data are being purposely suppressed and censored.
People are dying due to medications being withheld in order to continue to utilize EUA.

Informed consent is not being provided properly and/or with accurate information.

Stop the Genocide!

Michele Sipe (Pittsburgh , 2021-10-25)


Je signe parce que nous sommes soumis à des injections qui nuisent gravement à la santé.
Je signe car le refus d'injection nous prive en France d'une vie culturelle et sportive et complique notre vie (TGV, restaurants, cafés, qui sont aussi des accès aux toilettes)



Podepisuji, protože jsem přesvědčena o oprávněnosti této petice.

Radka Nováková (Praha, 2021-10-25)


Because we are fed lies. There was no pandemic at all. And now the vaccination creates one.
All goverments are bought.
I absolutely am all for justice on this.

Klaus Hornickel (Windhoek , 2021-10-25)


The vaccine injuries should have been enough to stop the mass vaccinations of people. By ignoring and suppressing information, nobody can give informed consent and people are dying and permanently disabled from the vaccines, lives are being ruined. Early treatment is being withheld, resulting in many deaths. These are crimes against humanity.

Cheryl Mcfarland (ALIQUIPPA, 2021-10-25)


Fauci has produce mass genocide and he and all those involved must be held accountable. my whole family got covid and my daughter got the shot and we are concerned about the effects.

Michelle Kleeberger (Beachwood, 2021-10-25)



Vladimír Juríček (Rajec, 2021-10-25)


Its time this ended and people doing bad things get punishment regardless of the position in power they occupy

Stuart Deighton (Sheffield, 2021-10-25)


The truth has to come out about this virus and it’s creators and the underlying reason why it was created and released in the world.

Violet Pasztor (Vancouver , 2021-10-25)


I wanna by Human not slayer. I have the right for my own thinking And living. And body Will taking my body my Will And my soul!

Veronika Tůmová (Kamenice nad Lipou, 2021-10-25)


I 'm not agry....

Rocío Ortega (Cartago, 2021-10-25)


I am Signing because enough tyranny has no place in our world

Bryan Skypas (Rockwood, 2021-10-25)


No data, no ICF, no accountability, CDC and FDA colluding and not protecting the public. Mandating without consideration to individual... 95% recovery rate therefore no need to mass vaccinate and flawed testing.

Cynthia Rodriguez (The Villages, 2021-10-25)


What is happening in the world is real fascism and business associated with anti-epudemic measures and a vaccine against Covid 19

Slaven Janic (Ceske Budejovice, 2021-10-25)


The persons involved with this need to be held accountable.

Morris Justin (Broomfield, 2021-10-25)


This Petition stands by The Rule of Genuine LAWS Recognised Internationally, not some UNLAWFULL Mandates,which seeks to over ride these Codes,Treaties of LAW agreed to and Established Over decades!

Dennis Wyatt (Melbourne, 2021-10-25)


I am a victim.

Suzanne Haag (Castle Rock, 2021-10-25)


The individuals responsible for these crimes against humanity should be prosecuted and face the consequences for their crimes.

Lela Robinson (Murrieta , 2021-10-25)


Big pharma must be reined in.

Darren Patterson (Phuket, 2021-10-25)


We the people around the world have suffered months - close to over a year in lockdowns, separated from our families for over 18 months are so depressed & suicidal. We’ve lost our jobs and no government person will listen. Governments are intentionally abusing us 24/7. Please end this as I am near the end of my rope and no longer want to live. Please help me. I have no one.

Ling Lam (Markham, 2021-10-25)


Medical Freedom

Renee Boel (Clifton Park , 2021-10-25)


It is clear that governments around the world, including the United States are using the pretense of a disease in order to forcibly restrict the freedom and liberty of their citizens. They are also forcing the use of experimental "vaccines" on everyone, even on people who have already acquired natural immunity through previous exposure to the virus (SARS-CoV 2). The goal of these governmental actions is as yet unclear beyond the usurpation of additional power and authority but it is blatantly obvious the people in positions of authority do not have the best interests of the citizens of their respective countries in mind when instigating their fatal policies.

Robert Clay (West Mifflin, 2021-10-25)


I am signing this petition because mega-multiple violations, worldwide, of All ten Articles of the Nuremberg Codes and the Helsinki Declaration have been violated, which since this has been worldwide are Massive Heinous Crimes Against Humanity, with both these highly dangerous and deadly experimental injections and the experimental and proven fallacious and dangerous PCR tests. Massive violations of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and violations of the 1975 Biological Weapons Treaty. What has transpired is Crimes Against Humanity and ALL involved Criminally in these Crimes should be brought to trial and served Justice as soon as possible.

Robert Wegeman (Baton Rouge, Louisiana, 2021-10-25)


This is the largest, most evil crime ever.

Kurt King (Hayesville, 2021-10-25)


This is a dangerous injection. The risks are too high as may cause unlimited other conditions

Lori Haines (Wildwood, 2021-10-25)


NON aux crimes contre l’humanité. Les criminels doivent répondre de leurs actes.

Micheline Lemieux (Lanoraie, 2021-10-25)


All crimes against humanity should be investigated and prosecuted to the full extent of the law.

Zeller Katrina (Aurora, 2021-10-25)


I support this petition and I agree with everything that is written in it, thank you

Renáta Plavecká (Ružomberok, 2021-10-25)


This whole pandemic has been a contrived farce.
1. with gain of function development. 2. releasing it upon the whole world.
3. patenting a "vaccine cure" prior to the criminal release of the pathogen.
4. coercion of government officials using threats to subserviate their country if predetermined participation is not guaranteed and completed.
5. total ignorance of the facts, statistics, and ingredients in this experimental injection promoted by the media, the drug companies, and the government officials. They have all expressed a complete unwillingness to know these facts, including the death tolls.
6. Threatening, as well as actually, ruining the lives and livelihood of millions of people both financially, emotionally, and physically including death.
Please bring these people to justice.

Deanna Uldall (Kingwood, 2021-10-25)


I’m disgusted, frustrated, angry and shocked at all the lies and deceptions about the vaccine and COVID. Big Pharmacy and the so called “world elites” are attempting to end civilized democratic republics! Truth will prevail. Thank you, thank you Dr. Fleming!

Darryl Thompson (Fort Worth, 2021-10-25)


Because ewen 1 person can change ewerything.

Lucie Mikulová (Cheb, 2021-10-25)


Accountability for crimes against humanity

Jean Grenier (Hartwell, 2021-10-25)



We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. - That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, - That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

Renee McKelvey (Sugar Land, 2021-10-25)


There have been crimes against humanity

Rommel Keith (Port St Lucie, 2021-10-25)


I am singing this petition because many introduced measures trumped down the constitutional rights of citizens across many countries and while for the short term I could accept a few of them, the development of the recent months and days has been showing that we need to act against it now to adhere to the constitution! no one can be forced against their will to participate in any program be it vaccination or greenpass system.

Michal Olos (Hubová, 2021-10-25)


We need to stop evil!
Disgusted, disappointed and all synonyms are an understatement of how I feel about what’s happening in the world!
This evil doing needs to stop!!!

Jeff Galo (San Jose del Monte, 2021-10-25)


This is criminal

Adrian Scott-Parkin (Ilkeston, 2021-10-25)


Justice to all those who suffered or paid the ultimate Price. Jeremiah 51:56 & Psalm 37:14-15!!

JW Bouwer (Pta, 2021-10-25)

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