Investigation and Prosecution of Those Individuals Responsible for Crimes Against Humanity



We have had enough of the lies and poisons being perpetuated spin the Australian people.
Enough is enough

Bill Jelley (Darwin, 2021-10-24)


I'm signing because more people have died from the Covid-19 vaccine

Tomoyo Yoshida (Tokyo, 2021-10-24)


Saint Micheal defend us from evil

Jorge Benavides (San Clemente , 2021-10-24)


The evidence shows that mRNA vaccines are ineffective, unsafe at any age, and select for variant viruses which are toxic.

Mark Smith (Bath, 2021-10-24)


nothing good can happen in a world run by lies and liars.They need to be stopped!

Gregg Ernst (First Peninsula, 2021-10-24)


Celosvětové šílenství hamižnosti musí být ukončeno a zločiny proti lidskosti důsledně vyšetřeny a potrestány.

Ivana Tomková (Kolín, 2021-10-24)


I believe the Australian Governments have committed TYRANNY against the people of Australia, by LOCKDOWNS, unlawful Health Orders, MASKS mandates and pushing untested MRNA injections trail drugs onto Australian citizens

Carolyn Gosano (Wide Bay, 2021-10-25)


I’m signing in to stop this madness

Balan Joel Mathan (Singapore , 2021-10-25)


I had Covid, my husband, daughter and grandson had Covid. Not even close to the same time. Only time will tell the damages done to our bodies. We all survived. My cousin did not. My friend did not.

Kathy Barker (Noblesville, 2021-10-25)



rachel rienstra (sedona, 2021-10-25)


I’m signing this petition because it’s time to hold people, officials, politicians, news journalists, bureaucrats and others for crimes against humanity, for taking away our God given rights, and our rights set forth in the bill of rights in the US constitution. Enough is enough. Uphold the law of the land and support life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness!

Sandra Hodge (Chula Vista, 2021-10-25)


I want the truth to be told

Paul VanderWiel (Keremos, 2021-10-25)


I am signing because these people have no right to be doing what they are doing. It is pure evil. Only God can determine the fate of humanity. And the world needs to know how they have been lied to.

Dawn Oppermann (Illinois, Illinois, 2021-10-25)


It is a crime against humanity

Mari O (New York, 2021-10-25)


I'm signing because we all need to stand together to stop tyrannical takeover. These awesome intelligent doctors, medical personel, ert,'s, emt's, legal teams, survivors, airline workers, business owners and more have put their lives on the line to fight for humanity.

Robin deGroot (Phoenix, 2021-10-25)


I’m signing because I am not agree with the obligatory vaccination

Silvia Elena Camacho Cruz (San José , 2021-10-25)


I've seen my family and friends suffer without proper medical care and I've seen tragic side affects from the vaccine

melody z (Gardner, 2021-10-25)


I believe and attest to these crimes being committed if genocide against We the People of Earth.

Jakob Richards (Yuma, 2021-10-25)


These shots are not fit for any human and need to stop. Way too many people are suffering and have died. While safer treatments have been censored and banned.
Doctors have been threatened to loose their license. Children have already had severe life changing effects from this vaccine. They are the least likely to be harmed by the virus.
They can achieve immunity the natural way. Keep them safe, the long term effects of this shot had yet to be determined.

Debra Narus (Colchester , 2021-10-25)


The vaccines are not safe, they’re killing people and our government is turning a blind eye to it all. The vax mandates and vax passes are tyrannical and prejudicial.

Cameron Brown (Calgary, 2021-10-25)


This is criminal behavior!

Orin Mangar (Chalmette , 2021-10-25)


Locking Citizens down over a Flu virus was a step to far considering it was a mild yearly flu season blown out of proportion. But I believe it was a tool to bring in Vaccinations made at the G7 For the World Citizens Under Re Their Govt Agenda's World Wide and without going to A Vote.

Jacqueline Davis (Urangan, 2021-10-25)


I believe these shots are harmful and I believe in informed consent. We cannot give consent if the information is censored. I believe the cv shots are crimes against humanity.

Terry Frerking (Blue Springs, 2021-10-25)


“Justice for all!”

Michael Sherman (Chino, 2021-10-25)


Because of the amount of deaths not only in the United States but around the world.

Scott Maxfield (Simpsonville, 2021-10-25)


I'm signing because of the despicable violation of human rights and the threatening methods used to coerce people into making a decision that could endanger their lives and their children's lives.

Jo Pedersen (Auckland, 2021-10-25)


Those responsible for this hoax and anticonstitutional power grab should be dealt with the severest penalties allowed by law

Larry Reeves (Camden, 2021-10-25)


Save the children

Alexandra Mullens (ROCHEDALE SOUTH, 2021-10-25)


These medications are poison, they are killing and injuring millions of people across the world. These are crimes against humanity

Wendy Allen (Pilliga, 2021-10-25)


I care about the people who is being fooled about the vaccine. Our body our one can override your decision.

Tracy Anne (Kuala Lumpur, 2021-10-25)


I am against medical tyranny and coercion. I am pro democracy and freedom of choice, particularly when it pertains to your own health and those that are minors or elders and do not understand the implications of experimental drugs and treatments with no longterm safety data to support the use.

stephanus potgieter (stony Plain, 2021-10-25)


It is not about health. It is the evil plan to bring Great Reset. Crime against humanity.

Robin Francis (London, 2021-10-25)


This cannot be allowed continue cheaters never prosper

Frank Castel (Marion, 2021-10-25)


I want justice for the victims of this deception, and tyrannical government overreach. Further I want to see the criminals involved in this receive justice for their crimes.

David Thorsvik (SANDPOINT, 2021-10-25)


I believe that these experimental “vaccines” are too new and far more adverse side effects than benefits on humans. The technology needs more research

Anup Deol (Snohomish , 2021-10-25)



Terry Curtis (East Claydon, 2021-10-25)


Nous avons absolument tous été victimes des mensonges sur le covid qui ont été dits, par les médecins, par les politiques, par les laboratoires, par les médias, par la justice. La vaccination covid est un crime contre l'humanité.

aurelie ben ticha (aussillon, 2021-10-25)


These criminals must be brought to justice

David Toms (Cape Town, 2021-10-25)


I believe we are entitled to know the whole truth and we need to uphold our human rights and freedoms in our democratic society.

Karen Mills (Brisbane , 2021-10-25)


Je suis pour les droits de l'homme et je refuse que l'on nous enlève la liberté car la France et ton pays de liberté et d'égalité

Gisèle Celerien (Résidence du centre, 2021-10-25)


I'm signing this petition because I want to see all those responsible for perpetrating the covid atrocity to be held accountable, to be criminally charged, honestly judged, and promptly executed should they be found guilty.

Brian Pederson (Regina, 2021-10-25)


I am signing this petition so that those who are doing crimes against humanity, should be held accountable and responsible for their evil deeds.

Cindy Bass (Cape Town, 2021-10-25)


Our civil rights are being compromised.

Sharon Sullivan (San Jose , 2021-10-25)


Horrific abuse of power and crimes againt humanity by a minority.

Mary Hills (East London, 2021-10-25)


Milada Matoušková

Milada Matoušková (Znojmo , 2021-10-25)


In brief: There has been no viral pandemic in 2020/1. (The Drosten PCR 'test' is fraudulent. Infection fatality rate of 'COVID' is comparable to that of seasonal flu.) The 'vaccines' are already some of the most lethal medical products in history and must be withdrawn immediately. The perpetrators of this unprecedented scam must be charged with CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY.

Paul Spradbery (London, 2021-10-25)


My daughter ended at school, was in psychiatric hospital. Because she was closed at home in coronavirus restriction. She musn't go to school last year. She goes topsychiatric doctor, eats pills, goes to terapist..... she is ill, but she was helth when didn't coronavirus, she was happy girl.

Karolína Forštová (Prague, 2021-10-25)


I want change.

Marika Fialova (Brno, 2021-10-25)


I am signing because I have great concerns about the violations of human rights being eroded in the name of health. The coronavirus emergency is being used in many countries to control and take away human rights.

Gail Baxter (Scunthorpe , 2021-10-25)


For humanity and light close and linked to mother earth and nature

Philippe Provost (Leudelange, 2021-10-25)



Martina Filcakova (Poproč, 2021-10-25)


Es necesario enjuiciar a los tiranos responsables de toda esta historia que tanto mal nos ha acarreado

Bittor Bengoa Altuna (Zumaia, 2021-10-25)


May 2022, we've got so many confirmations of their forfaitures. It's time to act.

Christian Tournier (Houailou, 2021-10-25)


Crimes against humanity should be punished..

Meaghan King (Narre Warren, 2021-10-25)


I think it’s time that people should know what has happened to there loved ones

Catherine Sloey (Glasgow , 2021-10-25)


Stop covid fasizmu

Stanislav Potempa (Hradec Králové, 2021-10-25)

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