Investigation and Prosecution of Those Individuals Responsible for Crimes Against Humanity



I stand for Truth and Justice. I stand against Tyranny and Crimes against Humanity!

Heather Lightsey (Leander, 2021-10-22)


I believe those responsible are intent on gaining power over the ordinary people, even to the point of genocide. They lie to the people to plant fear of the virus and insure their control. The vaccine is not a vaccine so what is their purpose?

Doris Jones (HILLSVILLE, 2021-10-22)


Nesuhlasim s ockovanim !!!

Drahoslav Longauer (Brezno, 2021-10-22)


(1) The 1947 Nuremberg Code

(2) The 1964 Declaration of Helsinki

(3) The 1967 International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, and

(4) The 1975 Biological Weapons Convention Treaty

Joseph greenhalgh (NEPHI, 2021-10-22)


I’m seeing too many people suffering from side effects following injections and refuse to accept it for healthy children and adults!

Roman Stasiewicz (Ottawa, 2021-10-22)


I have a right to choose what I want to do. I prefer to be in the control group for medical experiments.

Corné Cilliers (WHITE RIVER, 2021-10-22)


This has all turned to be a HUGE lie, a crime against humanity, evil against the population bringing upon all hardship and tyranny Hitler and the Nazis would have adored. I am a daughter of Holocaust survivors and I do not want to see what my parents have gone through and the death of millions in such evil way happening again and that is what these criminals are aiming to achieve!

Nurit Greenger (Los Angeles, 2021-10-22)


Professional biochemist who believes SARS-CoV-2 virus was man-made, and the Covid vaccines are extremely deadly and dangerous and have already proven to be so, and have not been proven to be safe and effective.

Jeffrey Cribbs (Coralville, IA, 2021-10-22)


I´m signing because believe in freedom, in hope, in change, in truth, in good mind, in justice, in humanity...

Patrik Berta (Lucenec, 2021-10-22)


Tenemos derecho a saber la verdad y a no experimentar con las personas

Marga Machado (Las Palmas, 2021-10-22)


Many thanks and gratitude for your work...

Monika Košíková (Prague, 2021-10-22)


Massive Crimes against Humanity: the fraudulent PCR testing, the Gene therapy they are passing off as ‘vaccines’, injuring /killing humans, the Lockstep in this RICO quality level of crime … we need ACTION NOW s they are coming after our CHILDREN now!

Jacqueline Lewis (Rudolph , 2021-10-22)


Podepisuju tuto petici, protože tady už nejde o žádné zdraví lidí. Demokracie dávno umřela. ale ještě můžem bojovat.

Jiří Sábl (Vsetín, 2021-10-22)


What is going on is wrong, and it's becoming blatantly obvious, bit governments don't step in. In fact it's the opposite.

Russell Edmunds (Massinga, 2021-10-22)


I'm signing because the truth needs to come out.

Steven Son (West Lafayette, 2021-10-22)


for the truth

Beatrice ECLACHE (TOURS, 2021-10-22)


I am concerned about the damage being done by a vaccination program that goes directly against the Nuremberg Code

Jane Osborne (Glasgow, 2021-10-22)


No govt has the right to force toxic experimental bioweapons on any person. These are crimes against humanity.

Kathy Fannin (Phoenix, 2021-10-22)


The suffering inflicted on people of the world is truly atrocious and must never go unchallenged.

Bianca Edwards (Germiston, 2021-10-22)


This needs to be looked into

Brandon McKinley (Ft. Shaw, 2021-10-22)


They are out of control!

craig momberg (Winston Salem, 2021-10-22)


...decisions are made [mainly] by politicians not by scientists or doctors and are - by My stay point of view - chaotic. I'm mathematician dealing with statistics and informatics.

Jan MINTAL (Teplicka nad Vahom, 2021-10-22)


The agenda purposely designed to create an emergency to implement mandates, lockdowns etc. has no data isolating a virus that's claimed to be a causative factor. Also there needs to be a full investigation of the gain of function and funding sources at Wuhan Lab.

Teresa DelaVega (Wailuku, Hawaii , 2021-10-22)


this is truly a crime

Paul Tutt (Penticton,BC, 2021-10-22)


I'm signing because this crime with covid and sars-cov-2 should not ever even happened, due to oath after Nürnberg tribunal after 2nd WW. There are also other crimes going on connected to this same story as covid, but this time, things escalated 10 fold with same narrations and tactics that are going on for at least 60 years already. Pharmaceuticals or human body practices should be declared dangerous as long as not proven otherwise and nobody should be ever conditioned to take them - free unconditioned informative consent is essential. A special procedure should be made in those cases, people must learn in schools how to lawfully defend themselves and court procedures should not take forever in these cases. All rights should always be reserved for the one who is conditioned to take something until unconditioned informed consent is given.

Alenka Nemanič (Sankt Andrä, 2021-10-22)


I believe this is necessary to stop the madness that is currently upon us by the Govt and health officials.

Nicole Smith (Eight Mile Plains, 2021-10-22)


Fauci lied to Congress and funded gain of function research, helped developed patents to sars cv 2 prior to the outbreak per Dr David Martin’s patent research. Yje CDC and FDA purposefully misled the public about effective treatment to further their vaccine EUA. Total fraud! Total criminals!!! Arrest and prosecute. Justice must be served.

Mark Hamric (Austin, 2021-10-22)


I have had many friends and family injured and even died from these vaccines.

Evan Richards (Caboolture, 2021-10-22)


All of this is crimes against humanity, mass genocide, war crimes. When you know something to be wrong you must stand up & speak out against human atrocities. When the risk outweighs the benefit then you must stop!

Gabrielle Werner (Horsham, 2021-10-22)


For the children

Kat Sebo (Kewdale, 2021-10-22)


I'm signing this petition because the persons who have committed these crimes against humanity need to be held to account.

Robert Ellis (Monticello, Maine, 2021-10-22)


These vaccines are pathological and therefore immoral.

James Ferriter (Gainesville, 2021-10-22)


I belive 🙏

Lunah Madelie Wiese Søndergaard (Albertslund, 2021-10-22)


I believe crimes are being committed under the guise of covid 19 , and vaccines .

Danniel Jones (Melbourne , 2021-10-22)


Humans have lost their human rights and we are being coerced to take a vaccine that has not been fully approved and that is causing grave adverse reactions and death. Our government is not disclosing information to its people and putting us at risk, as well as causing medical apartheid on its people. It is appalling and unlawful. We need help!

Fiona Hitchens (Melbourne, 2021-10-22)


I’m signing because the evil elite think they can do as they want- they are morally bankrupt.

Diane Stevens (Louisville, 2021-10-22)


There is indisputable evidence proving the absolutely destructive and deadly side effects of the vaccine. Treatments are actively being suppressed so that manufacturers keep their liability indemnity. I have lost my rights as a private citizen simply for not taking a dangerous, untested vaccine. I had a bad reaction to a different vaccine 3 years ago but they won’t give me an exemption or check my antibodies. I cannot participate in society despite being healthy.

Maria Jakubowski (Toronto , 2021-10-22)


The forced mass injections of experimental gene therapies is incurring great harm on the populace and those who have lied and promoted the virus and the so-called cure need to be brought to justice.

Chad Dalberg (Ypsilanti, 2021-10-23)


Es latente lo que está ocurriendo ante los ojos de la humanidad. Se nota que la vida ha perdido su valía. La indiferencia ignorancia no pueden estar por encima de nuestras vidas y derechos humanos.

Consuelo Castilla (Arauca, 2021-10-23)


Crimes against Humanity are happening around the world with regard to taking away our rights and freedoms of choice, Coercion and threats of loss of Income, Proper information is not being given about Adverse Effects from the new Covid Injections are not given by vaccinators or by the government. Freedoms are slowly being stripped in nations by Lockdowns and medical care has not been given for other diseases or mental issues brought about by these lockdowns. Certain treatments against the virus has been with held to favour the "vaccine"



Our civilization is in peril.

Chris Burnett (Rusagonis, 2021-10-23)


Everyone who is paying any attention can see this is attempted global genocide. It must be publicly and transparently investigated, and ALL of those responsible MUST be punished. THIS CANNOT BE ALLOWED TO STAND!

Lori Knight (Lehi, 2021-10-23)


What these Globalist so-called 'elites' have done to the people of the world MUST BE addressed & THEY must be held accountable for their mass genocide & attempted total depopulation of the Earth at their whim.

Christine Sanchezlepe (Chesapeake , 2021-10-23)


Being forced and mandated to take a vaccine that isn’t effective and in can do more harm than good.

Rhys Huisman (Melbourne, 2021-10-23)


The genocide must end. Every person responsible for these war crimes must pay the full price. They have no respect for life or freedom. There is a God and the Covid-19 criminals are not Him. They are playing God and and need to be stopped immediately. Everyone who turns a blind eye to this is complicit in crimes against humanity - PERIOD. Stop the genocide now. Stop all Covid measures worldwide now. Thank you!

Joe Hinchliffe (Campbell River, 2021-10-23)


It's a Crime Against Humanity

Maria Theresa (Melbourne, 2021-10-23)


It changes your DNA
Not good.

Donahue Wait (Tulsa, 2021-10-23)


I believe we are should be treated fairly! Corrupted power to control manipulate! Cause harm mentally, emotionally, physically, should stop or be appropriately address! We will never live in a totally free world! Most haven’t had the privilege to progress as others, Abd yes choices have to be made! But if we are entitled to our natural born heritage ancestry, and All Admendments both fFederal and State! Constitutional rights!

Jenell Rubio (118 Warwick dr #42, 2021-10-23)

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