Cassowary Coast Bring Back Cash



Cash us legal tender and better the economy. People should have the choice to pay with cash. It is not reasonable to ban cash, especially in light of the obvious instability of, and unfair random charges imposed by banks.

Lexine Prendeville (Mooroobool, 2023-05-26)


We should have a choice it’s not yours to give away

Tracey Anderlini (Yorkeys Knob, 2023-05-26)


Cash is LEGAL Tender

Michael Thomason (Yorkeys Knob, 2023-05-27)


I want to bring back cash to the community

Megan Fitzgerald (Darwin , 2023-05-27)


Cash is legal tender. Don’t let stupidity rule.

Lyn Chalmers (Bayview Heights, 2023-05-27)


Cash is legal tender, itbis the right of the voting public to use Cash. If this should be changed it is not the councils decision to do so! It is the publics vote! 60%of the world's nations will be backed by Gold standard as Brics Nations continue to grow ..dont get left behind

Louise Reid (Cairns, 2023-05-27)


I'm signing because cash is king

Toni Tamara Trainor (Parramatta Park, 2023-05-27)


As a pensioner I only use cash.

It is legal tender.

Greg Boundy (Cairns, 2023-05-27)


Going cashless is discriminatory against the less well-off in society and gives government and financial institutions total control over our lives.
A cashless economy is dependent on the power and communication grids, so when these fail in a natural disaster we have no means of buying food and other essentials.

Anthony Croft (Kewarra Beach, 2023-05-27)


cash is a legal tender and a cashless society means more control over the citizens

Razele Zamora (cairns, 2023-05-27)


I believe CASH should still be able to be use everywhere including at the CCRC. Taking away this right discriminates against a portion of society at are not set up for cashless transactions.

Jeff Kastner (East Feluga, 2023-05-27)


We should keep cash

Kim Clarke (West Swan, 2023-05-27)


Accepting only cards is discriminatory towards pensioners, older people, poor people or people that simply can't afford or choose not to pay credit card fees,

Todd Macalpine (Gordonvale, 2023-05-27)


Cash is customers

Cheryl Fielding (Earlville, 2023-05-27)


We must keep cash or we loose

Merv Foley (Maryborough, 2023-05-27)


Cash needs to be kept for there is not total control of us

Kelly Knight (Bungalow, 2023-05-27)


Common sense prevails..

Clint Lund (CARDWELL, 2023-05-27)


I believe in having the freedom of cash as I don’t have online banking or credit cards

Steven Cheeseman (Weston, 2023-05-27)


We need to keep cash alive for too many reasons to list here!

Sandra Sutherland (Mission Beach , 2023-05-27)


Because Council is wrong again.

David Wolff (Innisfail, 2023-05-27)


I want cash in my future!!!

Alannah Monteforte (Wongaling Beach , 2023-05-27)


Cashless in this town where power outages are more common than a local cassowary sighting, is ridiculous.

And t
o add the amount of times rates has gone up, you better start doing more for the rate payers.

Anthony Kelly (Innisfail , 2023-05-27)


Cash is legal tender

Amelia Gibson (Kurrimine Beach, 2023-05-27)


Cash is legal tender

Judy Duck (Cairns, 2023-05-28)


I want cash to be available everywhere. Our whole family uses cash on a daily bases. There is no reason for cash to be banned, we pay our taxes so we get a say!

Janelle Simkin (Bayview , 2023-05-28)


You serve the people of Cassowary and not the other way around. Who gave you the right to force this policy down your constituents throat without asking them?

Gary Woolrich (Holloways Beach, 2023-05-28)


I object , as I only deal in cash.
It is still Australian basic currency when the power ot internet goes down......
What will U do in the next cyclone , think on that.

John Jones (Cardwell, 2023-05-29)


Cash is still legal tender and some people, (not just the aged), are not technically minded.

Carolyn Crocker (South Johnstone, 2023-05-29)


I want the option to pay with cash

Malie Lepaio (Bingil Bay, 2023-05-29)


The push for cashless does not help when internet and power failures occurs
Cash is freedom of choice for all Australian citizens

Craig Mitchelson (Richmond, 2023-05-29)


My elderly Mother 92yo and and a number of her friends still pay cash and still write cheques, but these are not accepted .they also do have computers or smart phones , so there is whole Generation just left out by a ill thought out decision made by the bureaucratic Council staff and Councillors who appear not to work for all their constituents ,

Lawrence Anastasi (Innisfail, 2023-05-29)


Cash is legal tender , nobody has the right to change that without our consent ,,, period ! 👍

Garry Craven (Millaa Millaa , 2023-05-30)


I believe that while the Government prints money we should be allowed to use it in all venues not take the decision of CEO not to use cash

Sam Torrisi (SOUTH INNISFAIL (QLD), 2023-05-30)


With cash I know how much I have and what I'm doing with it not eaten up by charges etc as for health how many people have actually gotten sick from handling cash if we can survive covid surely they can survive handling cash as we have for centuries get real people

Barbara Deery (Mossman , 2023-05-30)


I don’t use any form of electronic payment due to a disability. Without cash I will be unable to survive

Elizabeth Butterfield (QLD , 2023-05-31)


Because I believe we need to keep cash flowing in our community especially when we have power outages.

Chantelle Wignall (Ravenshoe , 2023-05-31)


I am signing this petition because we cannot go cashless in Far North Queensland because of cyclones and power outages. If Cairns council can see they could not go cashless. I am sure Cassowary Coast should do the same.
Ethel Mestroni. El Arish

Ethel Mestroni (El Arish, 2023-06-01)


It does not serve the people

Gail Lambert (Babinda, 2023-06-01)


It's much easy to pay in cash on a shopping day when in Tully.

Shane Seckington (TULLY HEADS, 2023-06-01)


Cash is king. Once it’s gone it’s gone for good

Cameron Kettle (Palm Cove, 2023-06-01)


Cash is simply tangible .digital is not .

Brett Kukulies (Etty bay, 2023-06-01)


I spend 20% of my time in Mission Beach and cash is a legal tender.

Alison Jones (Cairns, 2023-06-01)


I prefer to use cash for my purchases it is after all legal tender

Connie Matarazzo (Innisfail, 2023-06-01)


I believe we need cash

Terrie Collins (Bingil bay , 2023-06-01)


Cash is convenient, legal tender. I for one do not want to be surveilled 24/7, and being forced to be cashless is another ploy by the Powers that Be, to have total control over our daily lives. "They" say that we will own nothing and be happy!

Renata Egan (Mission Beach, 2023-06-03)


We should have a choice

Carl Wells (Mission beach, 2023-06-03)


Cash is still legal tender in this country and no one has a right to refuse it

Phillip Bartram (Mourilyan, 2023-06-03)


Cash is legal tender

Wanda Kennedy (Cairns, 2023-06-03)


We need to fight back people..

Elizabeth Foley (Camp Creek, 2023-06-03)


I'm signing because I do not consent.

Trish M (Innisfail , 2023-06-03)


This is a very important move to retain our Freedom of Choice.

Robyn Webster (INNISFAIL , 2023-06-03)


I'm a analogue man in a digital world l can not survive without cash

Steven McLaren (Feluga, 2023-06-03)


People should have a choice.

Lynn Jahnke (South Mission Beach, 2023-06-03)


Cashless is unfair and it disadvantages many in our local community and what about when, not if we have another local disaster and THEN they want us to use cash when they have made it a cashless payment system. The local Police station also has a sign up refusing cash, they should also me made to change their illegal and corrupt ways.

Mark Stephensen (South Johnstone, 2023-06-03)


Cash is legal tender,try getting money out of an ATM during power outages,Council out of line pushing this down our throats

Neil Boge (Mission Beach, 2023-06-04)


I'm signing because cash should be available to every person who may not have access to electronic services to use their money to pay for things, I also believe taking away cash will affect younger generations in money management and other aspects of finances, I do not think taking cash away helps society in any way, what happens when the internet crashes and no one can access money to buy things what if those things are important like medications food and paying bills etc I don't think the move forward for cashless is smart in anyway shape or form

Jasmine Martin (South Johnstone , 2023-06-04)


I am planning on moving to this area in a few years. Cash should be always available as a form of payment.

Michele Kicks (Figtree, 2023-06-04)


I don't want digital currency and losing my freedom to buy what I want, when I want. Also, how can a unelected person make these changes without consulting the rate payers? Didn't they see what happened in Cairns?

Elizabeth Butler (Ravenshoe, 2023-06-04)


Cash is legal tender. End of story

Karen Taylor (Mission beach, 2023-06-04)


I believe it should be my choice on how I pay for anything within my home community.

Sarah-Jane Cameron (Innisfail , 2023-06-04)


I believe a cashless society is a step in the wrong direction, giving to much power to financial institutions.
As a home owner and Innisfail born and bred resident I believe it is everyone in this community’s right to chose whether theypay in cash, electronic or cheque.

Darren Kelly (Innisfail, 2023-06-04)


I do not want a cashless society and should have the right to use cash anywhere

Karen Crowley (Cairns, 2023-06-06)


Cash is legal tender and should be accepted first and foremost. Signing this for everyone who reserves the right to use money, especially our elderly.

Alix Kastner (East feluga, 2023-06-06)


We the people in the cassowary Coast need cash for many businesses, markets , side road stalls ,fruit stalls etc. and to be able to pay cash any cassowary Coast facility. It is legal tender and we have the right to use cash at all times.

Michael Farrell (Mission Beach, 2023-06-06)


We should be allowed payment cash

Leigh Mereider (Innisfail, 2023-06-06)


Cash is legal tender, EFT does not always work, I don't always have money left in account but may have enough cash laying around, right to choose.

Lynda Campbell (Innisfail , 2023-06-06)


I am against going cashless in the Cassowary Coast Region. Small business depends on cash, children learn about pocket money and saving, and the list goes on.

Cindy McLeish (Innisfail , 2023-06-06)


Our choice. And that cash helps other people that are disadvantage.

Shaun Creek (Cairns , 2023-06-07)


Cash is legal

Lurline Erwin (Kuranda, 2023-06-07)


We need cash in our society

Brent Churton (Cardwell, 2023-06-09)


2 facts:
Cash is legal tender.
CEO who did this a grub.

Liam Horsford (Innisfail, 2023-06-09)


I am against a cashless society..

Bec Smith (South Mission Beach, 2023-06-10)


Removing cash use for everyday transactions is discrimination to those that are the minority in society that are challenged by alternative non cash payment methods and puts this cohort at risk or marginalisation.

David Wise (Townsville , 2023-06-10)


I only use cash, for everything. Cashless society will be a digital prison.

Jim Gray (Mount Garnet, 2023-06-10)


I’m in support of all residents being able to pay with legal tender. The unelected CEO’s should NOT be dictating without the consent of The People!

Helen Yelavich (Mutchilba, 2023-06-10)


We should be able to use cash is we want . Don't like being dictated to .

Peter Morice (Tully, 2023-06-10)


The older generation prefer cash and many don’t even know how to use the cards they HAVE to have to even draw their

Jean Howard (Kurrimine Beach, 2023-06-11)



Wayne Marthick (Merryburn, 2023-06-11)


I want choice

Terry poo Mcdonald (Tully, 2023-06-11)


Cash is essential for independance, privacy, free choice and peace of mind.

Rosemary Gotts (Cairns, 2023-06-11)


This is an illegal move, legal tender has to be accepted for payment of all bills. This push towards the "cashless society" is a power-play to control the people. If they can pull it off here, it will spread.

Simon Evans (Russell Island, 2023-06-11)


I choose not to live solely in a digital currency world, because I do not want tyrannical governments controlling everything.

Todd Sullivan (Ipswich , 2023-06-11)


Cash is legal tender

Puckey Brian (Mission beach , 2023-06-11)


We need cash to stay. I'd like to have the choice to pay in cash or with card or electronically. I strongly oppose allowing only digital methods as this takes away my right to choose. It would also exclude certain demographic segments in our community (young ppl without their own credit cards, or seniors reluctant to handle digital).

Sabine Schroeder (Redlynch, 2023-06-11)


If there’s no cash we have to do what the banks & SILICON VALLEY tell us what to do And if we don’t we “mysteriously” won’t have any $$’s in our credit card A/c’s How can ANYBODY (except the OLYGARKS) who are TRYING to run the world agree with this BULLSHIT????

Leonid Hadnuk (Brisbane, 2023-06-12)


People MUST have the choice to pay by CASH.
It is a democratic right to have freedom of choice & be represented fully by the people we elect. Council is elected, as such, it MUST represent all its people.

Anne Thomas (Moonta Bay , 2023-06-12)


I believe there is a need for cash especially for people who so not feel confident with technology. There is a population of Aged people who would not have access to there money otherwise.

Elizabeth Baulch (Brisbane, 2023-06-12)


I’m signing because there is no need to take cash away - it is immoral for people to dictate these types of things without a referendum as a minimum

Damian Moloney (Brisbane, 2023-06-12)


Cash is our only guarantee of individual sovereignty.

Geoffrey Robertson (Randwick , 2023-06-12)


I travel Australia 🇦🇺 wide and use cash only. The ceo is acting in a discriminatory manner.

Rob Cumming (Ravenshoe, 2023-06-12)


Cash is a legal tender and is my right to use it.

Marcus Streckfuss (East Palmerston, 2023-06-14)


It's wrong there is many who don't have the technology or like to go in see council people and it's a right of all to if choose pay cash

Tam Clayton (Carruchan, 2023-06-15)


I use a cheque book n cash to pay accounts which this council doesn't accept .

Alf Basile. (Innisfail , 2023-06-15)


I am a previous resident of Tully and was employed by the Cardwell Shire Council for close to 20 years. I cannot believe that a CEO thinks that he can implement this without having a full discussion at a Council meeting.
Ratepayers should have the choice how they pay bills and it should not be the decision of one CEO to take control how they do this.
Whilst money is still legal tender, how dare someone think they can deny people the option of using it!!!

Glenis Wilson (Mackay, 2023-06-15)


We have a legal right to use cash as a legal tender to pay our bills etc.

Diane Paul (Wongaling Beach, 2023-06-15)


People have the right to be given the choice on how they spend their money.

Kylie Addenbrooke (Edmonton, 2023-06-15)


Globilists Agenda

Wayne Murphy (BRISBANE, 2023-06-15)


cash is legal tender and the elderly usually prefer to use cash as payment

Joanne Sedgwick (Dimbulah, 2023-06-18)


We do not want or support cashless businesses or a cashless society in Australia. This has nothing to do with safety, the people were not consulted and ask that all cash payments are reinstated.

Julie Mower (Pacific Pines, 2023-06-19)


Our freedom is at stake

Sarah Williams (Millstream, 2023-06-19)


Cash is essential to our society and our freedom of choice

Bev Mackenzie (Innisfail, 2023-06-19)


Cash is legal tender and should be accepted every where,to not accept cash is illegal

Sharleen Harris (Millstream, 2023-06-19)


I signing because this another form of control and prefer cash .

Donna nunn Nunn (Mareeba, 2023-06-19)


Because cash is legal tender and to refuse it is ridiculous

Louise Terzi (Atherton , 2023-06-20)


Going cashless is a restriction that is all about control and not the best interests of the people.Council show their allegiance to corporation and not their constituents,when they promote such things as "cashless"

Geoffrey McKenzie (Cairns, 2023-06-21)


I believe a cashless system will be very bad for everyone.

Michael Jackson (Tully, 2023-06-21)


At least there are 100 reasons to keep cash alive. I absolutely don’t want to have a cashless society!!! Also is cash a legal tender and shouldn’t be banned nowhere!!!

Kurt Wagner (Cairns , 2023-06-21)


I am signing because I feel extremely strongly about keeping cash payments available in the cassowary coast regional council area.

Wanda Lowe (Mission beach, 2023-06-21)


Cash is Legal tender, I have a right to spend my money without paying a bank for the privilege.

Daniel Geiger (EL ARISH, 2023-06-22)


I’m signing because cash is legal tender and it’s illegal to refuse legal tender for payment

Tristan Freer (Brisbane, 2023-06-25)


I attended the rally with Bob and Shane and know the dangers to eliminating cash. Small businesses will close.

Chelse Crockford (Mareeba, 2023-06-27)


How can a unelected bureaucrat overrule elected officials

David Jevons (Ingham, 2023-06-29)