return my son

Dear pulic 

i am making a petition because i have had for the last 11 years my son being held in a foster placement due too the father beating the crap out of my self and whenn it went to court and father robert frederick maylen was just going to be charge with the assault he called for a break and so that he could have a fag or two but this wasn't the case in these proceeding it was because i took father to court because of asault and battery towards my self and towards my son the court was not going to hear the case at all father said to me out side the court room if i don't drop the chages made agianst him he would hand my son to children services which he had done in december he did this 11 years ago my son was thown into social service at the age of 5 and a half.. dob..22/12/02 my son was stolen this is what i still believe and will continue to believe until i get the answers i haven't yet been told and still await for so all i ask is answer then i may only may take this down but until then this petition stays


now my son Michael resides in the care of dereham social services and after all this time he has been wishing to return home to my self and they have NOT  been listenng to what my son as been saying so i feel has a parent i have a duty to make my son michaels dreams come true every christmas is just has painful being with out your child i know the pain i feel it every day i see my son for 2 hours 3 times a year this isn't fear on my son i to day phone a solicitor in the hope that i could get some legal repersentation and this was inpossible because there is no such thing has legal aid so i am told it is only funding for the ones that have the means to pay for care proceedings well what the dam point of legal aid if we all has parents have to pay for it the amount was someting like £150 an hour thats only for a consultaion this is disgusting when i am unable to reach this amount .

the limits of funding is limited and would love to be able to pay these people !

to have the joy of my son Michael Maylen home so i also update this petitition on the 22/12.16 i had a contact with my son Michael for 2 hours ths is all that children service offer whilst opening his birthday presents/christmas presents Michael manage to cope with his birthday presents / christmas presents he also managed to cope with his birthday card but that one thing has a parent when our child are away from our hearts at any given time more so that special time of the year christmas and the giving and recieving is such a lovely kind thoughtful time of the year but when my dear son bless his heart he did manage the dam christmas card and then e brought to my attention and said mummy i would like to come out of the care system yes has a mother this did make me happy that michael wishes to come out the care syestem but dereham social services dont bloody listen please excuse my lanuage all i am asking for is public support if in all please click away i am glad of any support it has benen a pain full heart breaking journey....

It would truly make a massive diferents to the return of my son he would be so much happer than he is at the minute these control vermins for loacal authorities you are disgusting and not clearly a human being amen ! tahnk you once again for you support 

lots of love from mummy 

vctoria sizeland